Mornin' all
Typhoon's gone - good news
Maid made it in before the weather hit yesterday - GREAT news. I was dreading even thinking about cleaning the flat for Bubble's return. Remind me never to have carpets in my house. Ever. Parquet in this one and thank fuck for that.
Saturday and I have to work - not so good news
Not much in the news today as I had the HDD in my 'puter replaced last week and forgot to backup my bookmarks. Old HDD is sitting on my desk like a dead metal ...err... thing and I now have to work out how to hook it back up for one final thrill ride.
Oooh Oooh, you have to have a look at the religiously sweary cactus, though, he's ace
B3ta challenge this week is "thinks for sale on Ebay" ... Like I GIVE a fuck. What the hell is that? I suppose it might appeal to slacker computer and graphics types who spend all day making animations for their favorite website and trawling for tat on Ebay so they'll probably enjoy it. Me; not bothered mate.
I voted for inappropriate gifts, which seems to have almost unlimited potential for bad tastiness, but I guess we sensible folks were voted down
Enough, I'm off for toast.
See ya
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
Friday, July 16, 2004
Well, it's certainly here. Pissing with rain and windier than my bedroom after a night on the curry. Which gives me an ide, as it happens
Oh yeah, and I found this picture of Dunc surfing last week...
Thursday, July 15, 2004
Mornin' all
Wired this morning reports on a drinking aid, an alcolohic inhaler, which has been banned in Australia of all places;
...users of the AWOL machine -- its name stands for "alcohol without liquid" -- breathe in alcoholic vapor produced by mixing gin or other spirits with pure oxygen. "AWOL was billed as the 'ultimate party toy' that could get users drunk 10 times faster," said an official of the Australian state. "This sends an irresponsible message about alcohol consumption." A website hawking the AWOL machine likens the boxy booze blaster to a hookah, and calls it a "dieter's dream," saying the device puts the kibosh on both calories and hangovers.
Actually, you can tell that this report is doctored. They missed the second half... "This sends an irresponsible message about alcohol consumption. All good diggers know that the only way to down a cool one is to rip its top off an chug the baaastard. All this breathing shit's for pooftas". Of course, it was NSW so perhaps...
Looks like we're in for a blower capt'n
This all spells 12 hours on Far Cry tomorrow to me
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
An active morning
Surprised you didn’t get the breast thing, I thought it was quite obvious. No vision you lot.
To answer a few questions (and exercise 5 mins of work avoidance).
true (re sack and darkened room)
Bellies is from S'pore, I promised Jules I'd photoshop myself in so need the camera back, which Bubble has at teh mo. Embarassing part is, I thought they were fat in the bellies shot; I am fairly certain I have surpassed them since. We shall see. Or perhaps we won't...
Started Far Cry last night, which is excellent so far. A really good blend of stealth and action. Driving controls a bit odd though as you control the gun turret with the mouse and the vehicle with the keys simultaneously. Sort of like rubbing your head whilst wanking….
Dave pointed me to this story, about a guy brought up by chickens. It's a really horrid story, but at the same time really hard not to laugh....
Enough, I'm off to entertain people who appreciate my talents (oh, that's me...)
A mate gave me this idea for a rebranding of the Seoul tourist board's campaign;
During the search for suitable material, I came across this, which is the ACTUAL symbol fro the Seoul Metro government. Nipple has been Photoshopped (well, painted, no cash fot PS) and the text added, the rest is gospel.
Off to work with me...
Bomber out
Rich sent me some pictures of Simon, Sparky, DP and Smudger catching velcro testes with their heads. Whilst drunk, I assume.
Speaking of assumptions, I intuit that Collis was behind the lens, notable that he doesn't appear in any of the pictures that he sent me. Hmmmmmmm.
Anyway, on with the show; I put them in a GIF, which sort of tells the story of a bored afternoon at DLS for you;
I always wondered where Sparky got the nickname Gimp from. Now I know.
Well it's good night from me ... and it's goodnight from that lot
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Dude, WTF?
You may have noticed a certain lack of content over the last week,
although no-one has complained...
This is due in part to Andrea's absence leading to me spending an unfeasible amount of time outside HK these last weeks. But it has also been due to several familial and personal broadsides that have been coming at me in the last little while, mostly from the Canadian end of the family tree. Where to start?
Note; this aticle has been modified from it's original version. It has been censored. Personally I think it's lost some of its impact, what do you think?
Dave, as you are probably all aware by now, has got himself a job with Elv in Sydney. Of course we wish them all the best, but are suffering severe feelings of jealousy and imminent loneliness. The weekend meetups in HK and Taipei will be sorely missed.
Especially as it seems I will get no more holidays this year, if my company gets its way (still working on this.) The story is that my firm's records suggest I took an extra 9 days hols last year and 5 days extra the year before that and so the accountants think the best way to remedy the situation is to refuse me any hols till the middle of next year, or something. Still up in the air but I must say that the 14 and 16 hour days I have been putting in over the last while (with all the traveling) are leaving a very sour taste in my mouth.
All of this is pure emotion and pales to insignificance next to the fact
that **********CENSORED**********
The quick resolution of which stands in direct contrast to the story of **********CENSORED**********
And from old to new, the real kicker; **********CENSORED********** and so have nothing more to say about, except I obviously lead a boring life(and I love it...)
I'm off to China again today, anybody want to hear about my bus timetable...?
Bomber out
Monday, July 12, 2004
Evenin' all
As requested, regular service will recommence soon. I have a post to put up that warranted a visit to the Canadian Censor board (bubble) as it's mostly about her family. She's in Cambodia at the moment so I should get the "don't you fucking dare" tomorrow. If Censored I shall be asking Amnesty to lobby on my behalf as a prisoner of conscience but will be more than willing to fill you in on the Young and The Restless (Canadian Neighbours) type goings on over beer at the earliest opportunity.
Planning brunch this sunday, with Bubble (returns Saturday) Marla, a bunch of her mates, Guy, Ben and... well... me. I was considering paying for 2 portions for myself, do you think that would double the rate of free flow 'poo?
On the movie front, trid to do to S2 tonight, but the next showing was at 10 so I sacked it off. Might try again tomorrow. Saw Starsky & Hutch on the plane back from Korea the other day and I can tell you cats it's a whole hunk of funny all made out of sexy. The charlied up disco dance off was a direct rip from Zoolander (if repeating yourself is a rip off) with the notable omission of David Bowie. A young lookalike would have tied the two together nicely. Not sure whether DB was into disco, though. These cats certainly are. Top entertainment. Rumours of Hell Boy coming to town were overstated apparantly. Currently waiting with baited breath for DVD release.
Games and I finished KoTOR a day before they came to swap out my sick HDD, which is a relief. Top game, although too easy. Can't remember if there was a difficulty setting at the start, but could be tempted to play again from the beginning on "make my teeth bleed, fuckers" setting. No need, though, 'cause I've got Far Cry to look forward to. Yesterday, 'cause I'd finished KoTOR and didn't want to start FC before they changed the HDD, I loaded up Diablo 2 on my laptop. A 3 year old game (which I picked up because it would run on my laptop) D2 is still the fucking nuts and had me hooked for every daylight hour that yesterday had to offer. Particularly like the save function, where you can save anywhere, but only along one thread (no loading up an old game when you've got your character killed). Also, on getting munched by the lesbian hoard (or something) you will regen in your camp with none of your stuff. You then have to go out and toss your own corpse to get your gear back. Superb twisted game play. I like it!
Nuff for now, there's cartoons on the telly