It's ALL...IIII...VE...
Meet Pornsac aka Smudgette jnr;
Many of you will have received this picture but still, for those of you who haven't, it's an excuse for a post.
I spoke to Jules few hours literally seconds after the birth and she swears blind that there's no ginger in sight. She did opine, however, when I suggested the possibility of latent gingerness (medically known as gingerus retardus, or late blooming copper top) that this is still something that they're concerned about and (quote) the little buggers stay hidden just long enough to let you get attached to them before showing their true colours (/quote). Proof positive that Smudge dyed his hair in his teenage years, I rekon.
In other (good) news Dierdre is back at home. Less good is that the doctors have not yet decided what required her stay in hospital in the first place (aside from the somewhat obvious lack of consciousness and need for a respirator) so appear to have just decided that out of sight is out of mind. Duncan's suggestion sounded plausible, but when I described him to the doctors they weren't impressed with his qualifications. Apparantly, unlike in Australia, a surfboard, beer gut and a 4 wheel drive (even 2) are not enough to qualify you to hold a medical opinion in Europe. On the other hand Andrea's dad (who is an actual doctor; having passed exams and everything) rates Dunc's idea as most likely but they say he hasn't filled out the right forms to be recognised, so we'll have to accept ignorance as the officially approved conclusion for now. Second opinions are having being considering being sought.
Yet more good news and having been paid (for the first time in a year) I just got back from the bike shop. Frankly, this should be top of the page and I resent it beeing trumped by new life / survival of near death experiences, but what can you do.
At the bike shop I bought;
1 pair of wheels (Shim. LX, for me. Cheap but effective; I'll go crazy later...)
2 bike computers (Generic .. well French or each for me and Bubble. She hasn't got one and mine's gone senile)
1 pair of pedals (Crank Bros, for Bubble.)
1 Seat post (Generic, for bubble)
1 seat (SGS, for me)
1 pair 10+5W trail ights for us me
Once I start coining it in properly (by xmas or so) I'll start on some 4 figure shopping stints. for now I kep it below 500 though, which I was quite chuffed about (from a pikey standpoint)
Bomber out
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...