Iâ??m corporate; entertainme!
Arrived safe and sound in Shanghai. Most of you will know that I have donewhatâ??s technically termedâ??a shit loadâ?? of traveling inthe last 2 years. Thisevening a long standing question of mine was answered, that being; â??if allthe planes I fly on are brandnew; where are all the old ones?â?? Flying with China Eastern to Shanghai, thatâ??s where. Bloody pre seat back TV bucket of old bolts. Stillmade it with neâ??er a creaknor shudder (actually, quitea lot of shuddering, most ofit in my pants.) Hotel drivernever showed up, explainedvery logically by the hotel by them not having sent one.Fortunately taxis in Chinaare famously cheap so Iâ??min the back of one now. Sadly the hotel is not in a location that would make taking Shanghaiâ??s spanking new 430 kph maglev train in. Deffo for the way back out on Monday though.
Tomorrow is the qualifying,the Porsche and BMW racing and the â?¦ err â?¦ VWPolo racing. Well, perhaps that'll happen during lunchor something.
Damn I need a piss, hope it isnâ??t too much furtherâ?¦
Night night
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom
...like being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
Friday, September 24, 2004
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Following massive public dissent, Haloscan returns!
Probably just give you something more to complain about, though.
Off to the S'hai Grand Prix tonight on a junket paid for by some stainless steel supplier or something. Yay for free trips!
Will try and post some photies and stuff on Sat / Sun, although I've a funny feeling this is going to be a little like the sevens "what - there was rugby?" sort of thing and T10 hangover.
See how lah.
Funny, also, that SEVERAL of our staff happen to be in Shanghai on "business" this weekend...
Bomber out
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Q3. Are you a Poofter?
Australian immigration now requires you to take this test before getting your visa approved.
Linked from B3ta. Christ you'd have thought I could find something myself for once
Edit; Take a look at this; fake beer tokens at the Oktoberfest! What is the world coming to? Dave; will try Burnout, but as my PS2 is Euro I can't get the games here. Probably off to La France next month so perhaps the chance to pict it up there. Plus really pissed off waiting for GT4. Also, got a game pad for my PC so have been able to play the demo of Crimson Skies that I downloaded last month. Top Jazz fueled air piracy, but don't try with mouse and keyboard unless you like pain. When are they going to start making cars with game pad controls? the next generation wouldnt' know what to do with a steering wheel if it smaked them in the face (not that it would, what with airbags). Oh yes; did I mention Far Cry? Oh...; Far Cry, Far Cry, Far Cry, Far Cry, Far Cry, Far Cry. There.
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Monday, September 20, 2004
Mornin’ all
It’s true, Jeremy and I have had a baby together, only he’s running from the responsibility to the promiscuous bossom of EC Harris to work on some love hotel over in the Dark Side. Good luck to you, can we get paid before you go…?
Sadly no free handbags, they wouild go nicely with my eye liner.
Took a brief trip into the Page One in TFC when I was “working” there; Dave had told me that they have a very good graphic novel section there. Always good for the literaly challenged such as I. Anyhoo, picked up Bk1 in the Invisibles series by Grant Morrison, which is the story that the plot for the Matrix was allegedly stolen from. Wasn’t overwhelmed, I must say. On the GOOD list, though, Transmetropolitan by Warren Ellis. This is a top tretise on urban culture and post modern life, told through the experiences of one Spider Jerusalem; journolistic terrorist. Spider
Bad things about playing your whole record collection on random track thru your i-pod; Bubble’s Water Rats theme tunes album. Must remember to scrub that.
Bomber out
Sunday, September 19, 2004
I know it bores you but...
Here's some pics of the Taipei project
Um big bit o' glass
I changed my underwear several times
Especially at this moment
Thank fuck for that
Hoarding coming down
Revealed at last; we hadn't been able to see the facade from more than 3 feet away until this moment due to the hoarding.
Press pictures
OK, no more about work until some decent lezzer stuff has been posted
Bomber out