well, the workshop is over. Design wise we've moved a long way forward, contractually we may just have buried the whole job. Ah well, that's the boss' gig so i'll just plug on with the design and enjoying the weekend with his gingerness.
That's right; the ginger avenger arrives in paris tomorrow afternoon for a fun filled weekend of drinking, frog baiting and a phenomenal amount of pie eating. Haven't actually checked with the hotel whether or not my "wife" can share my room or if they'll feed him breakfast, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it (stumble across, more like).
the whole team had dinner at the rooftop of the Pomidou Ctre last night. Waiters were arrogant tossers but the food was good and the view was superb. I got absolutely fucking hammerred, was quite rude to several peopple (i think...) and only got up this morning at all because the hotel sent breakfast up at 7.30 (which I must have ordered when I staggerred in from dinner last night, can't actually remember) so I've had a cunt of a hangover all day. Meetings on a hangover can be a nightmare or a dream. I find I think of solutions to problems when hungover that I would overlook as too crude when sober / on kilter. Danger of course is pushing it too far and verbally abusing people who it is not politically correct to do so, like the client or his consultants. Fortunately we were all a little worse for wear so I think I got away with it. Managed to take Simon's advice to keep the word "CUNT" or "THAT'S YOUR JOB YOU LAZY INCOMPETANT WANKER" out of the meeting vocab, although the thoughts did cross my mind several times I don't recall verbalizing them.
I'm off for a kip then out to get trousered again.
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
Friday, July 30, 2004
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Morning all
Sorry for the silence. It seems in my absence that Dave has uncovered yet another site that's better than mine. However, 26 comments is a record on this blog so I can claim that consolation, even if everyone was talking about other websites and goat rape (apparently)
You're all sick.
Anyhoo, Paris is very... well... French. Actually, I can appreciate why people fall in love with the place, especially at the moment when there's far fewer actual French people than normal (The August rush to the South is in full swing). The company has actually stumped for a decent hotel, something which I'm sure whoever actually booked it will get a severe bollocking for later (not me, I'm in enough trouble already). The hotel is right next door to the Louvre. You can spit from
my room window and hit the side of it (proof in odd streaks down side of old stone building opposite).
Enough, I've spent the last 2 hours trying to get my 'kin computer working and it is now so I'm off for coffee and buns.
More later
Smudge; Will probably stay South of the Channel for the weekend, as the firm has stumped for the hotel right through to Monday and there's still some of the louver not covered in spittle. Chunnel over and we can empty the minibar. You can sleep in the bath...
Monday, July 26, 2004
Afternoon all
Preparing for French trip. Anti-garlic spray packed, bangers on order. Stilton will be delivered direct to the hotel.
Just had a fucking huge roast lunch with bubble (who had a not so huge but still pretty large cheese salad thingy). And I wonder why my girth increases...
Dave reports that Riddick (sequal to Pitch black) is a must for all fans of pointless violence. Sounds fantastic. Of course it'll probably never show its ugly mug in HK.
Must dash, as I'm trying to finish up in time for an afternoon's drinking session with bubble.
See's ya
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Stuck in China again
they've added a 1/2 hour to the bus journey each way. Not sure how but I'm pretty sure why; specifically to piss me off. Still, eparture froom and arrival back to HKG remain unchanged it would seem, so just means less time in the rat's nest that is thesouth China Factory.
Of to paris tmmorrow night; I wish it was on a jolly, but that seems increasingly unlikely. 3 days no sleep, more like. Ahh well, perhaps I can Chunnel across to London for the weekend; anyone about?
Also, I have an urgent request for the Ginger One. Smudge; please send me all details about the hotel for the wedding. HDD in computer changed recently, past emails not yet retrieved. Specifically; where the fuck is it and what nights is it booked for. What nights are you lot all heading up?
Enough from me for now, I have a meeting with the factory manager in 10 minutes where he is going to explain why he tol us he couuld fabicate the Seuul project 2 months ago but now says he cannot. What fun...
Bomber out