Friday, September 30, 2005

Morning peeps

The Onion runs a story today about an AIDS awareness campaign being run by the US in Africa. The main message being "you all have AIDS"... made me laugh, anyway

Movie reviews and I was cruising IMDB trying to find out when Mirrormask might be playing en Belgique (it releases in NYC tonight....), looks like I'll have to go to London or wait until the Fantasy film fest here next March. London it is then. To the point and browsing the "to be released in Belgium" list I noticed a flick called Revolver, which I vaguely remember appearing on AICN a while back so I looked it up. This is Guy Richie's new effort, which didn't give me lots of confidence; not because I dislike his other stuff, but I just couldn't stand another round of cockney kor blimey knee slapping. The AICN review places it more in the genre of The Usual Suspects, which is heady praise indeed. In fact, they indirectly describe it as the Usual Suspects, if that film had left you to work out who Keyser Soze was for yourself instead of dropping the "it's HIM" bomb in the last 2 minutes before the credits. The review is long but interesting and best summed up for me by the following quote;

I love how reviewers are dodging the question of whether or not they understood the movie. The Toronto Film Festival review summed it up best saying, "It will keep you guessing until the end credits roll." There are no end credits.
Kronenberg's "A History of Violence" looks good aswell

Finally, the bee in my bonnet and the Brit papers have been full of how some 80 year old CND bloke was kicked out of the Labour Party conference for heckling earlier this week.

"excuse me sir, is you under the influence?"

"Getting shirty are we sir? Oh dear oh dear, thump 'im Clive"

Now, frankly, I don't give a toss about the bloke, or about New Labour acting like the Conservative party-in-red that they have so obviously been for the last 10 years, except to point out that he didn't swear, spoke less than 10 words and the worst thing he accused the politician he was haranguing of was being a liar, which is frankly equivalent to giving him a pat on the back and saying "good job", for a politician. The real kicker for me is that this bloke, apparently very well known within the labour party etc old codger peacenik type, was held by the cops ... under anti-terrorism laws. Fuck, this is EXACTLY what all the pinko-liberal-bleeding-heard-socialist-libertarian types have been warning against for years with these laws. Even the Reverend Blair said on the radio (he made a personal and public apology, believe it or not) that he was sure that the cops didn't think the old guy was a terrorist. Well, where's the fucking enquiry into why they used anti-terror laws to detain someone they had no reason to suspect was a terrorist, then? Oh, you mean the legislation doesn't require reasonable suspicion to be demonstrated. well, well. Finished the Nikopol Trilogy and V for Vendetta recently; we're not so far off, you know.

Anyway, enjoy the weekend in your respective fascist socially responsible states, I'm off for a bike ride.

Bomber out

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

morning all

I've actually got some work to do today, but I thought I'd start by boring you lot (again)

First off; our mates on the web. B3ta posted this link entitled "Men of the Internet" Now I know he's never been on the net except to download pr0n, but tell me that the 5th from the left, second row down isn't the elvster late teens / early twenties. Looks exactly like the pictures of him from the wedding.

Secondly, the religious moment. I understand that Dave is in need of the spiritual equivalent of "An idiot's guide to religion" in order to survive his new neighbourhood without burning crosses on the lawn, river dunkings, exorcisms, etc. My longtime fave religious site; landover baptist and their wonderful spokeswoman Betty Bowers (always ready with the honorary first stone) are still going strong despite efforts to have them shut down, or promote them, depending if you believe the Objective: Landoverbaptist shutdown campaign was real or a hoax. Personally, I'm sticking with real; "The internet was invented by Americans, America is a Christian nation, therefore the internet is Christian and so we shouldn't allow any publication that criticizes or in any other way undermines Christians" is a superb piece of logic, unfortunately lost to us as the site seems to have been pulled.

B3ta again with 2 superb entries. First, they ran this link a couple of weeks ago, which is a cartoon aimed at explaining the differences between Christianity and Islam. The main thrust is that Mohammed was a paedophile... Read and Believe. They also ran an image contest to see how you would improve the image of the church. My personal fave was a sign that read "Charlotte Church, come inside" but they chose this which I grudgingly admit (between spitting out my breakfast laughing) is better. Be sure to click the display image full size thingy so you can read the text ... Let there be Sprite!

Ohh, and finally; try this puzzle game to wile away your work day... you have to sit through a stupid ad for some american car first, but the game is bloody addictive, if reminiscent of Mr Rubik and his nerd cube.

Bomber out

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Break out the Pr0n, I'm back on line!

In an unprecedented move by Belgacom, they got the ADSL line activated in only 2 weeks, a significant improvement on the estimated 4! I can feel several days of not getting dressed coming on. Frankly, I only got dressed last week to go to the internet cafe and to get frites. Well, they're not fussy at the fritterie, I'm sure they'll put up with me in my grubbies.

So excited I haven't actually prepared anything for you, just wanted to spread the news!

Bomber out