Hello all; China is fine (if wet), thanks for asking
So, I can’t get on the blog from here (except by mobile phone) so they have this new feature thingy where I can send an email to a particular address and it posts automagically. Better still, this then appears as if I am writing an email (coz I, err, am) and so it looks like I’m working. Cunning skive eh?
The weather here is something that HK and South China have needed for a while and I’m sure the reservoirs are slurping it up but I’m bloody not. I can’t even get from the hotel to the tube station without getting nipples-visible-through-shit soaked. An umbrella’s not much help either, the rain is coming down so hard it’s cracking the paving stones (add piratey Harr Harr! For effect) so it bounces back up to your crotch anyway. I’ve had a gaggle of Koreans all week and they’re a bit exhausting. In my last few weeks in the job (and in asia, for that matter) I think I’m finally working out how to deal with them. Bit late but at least I feel the stress level abating a little.
On the PSP front I picked up Tiger Woods golf game thingy and it’s bloody ace. I’ve long been a fan of vicarious golf, ever since spending many an afternoon with a six pack and a couple of mates playing a round in the office of a Saturday back in JB. I’m still not really tempted to learn how to play it properly though. I can get round below par on the PSP; from Guy’s description of their golf tours a round of less than a hundred is considered an improvement on the norm.
Richard, I spoke to Bubble last night, she has had the telephone people in and they confirm that our electrical genius is not misplaced. The line is live but there is a problem with the voltage. Either the HK phone we brought is not compatible (which I frankly doubt, but you never know) or the line’s fucked. Bubble bought a new (Belgian) phone yesterday to test. More on this exciting story as it unfolds.
It’s a great shame to miss the Thursday margs this week. Frankly, I welcome an evening off the piss, having been Yam Seng-ing all bloody week, but it would have been good to meet up with Jez for a couple of salads. Never mind, still trying to sort out the BKK trip for sometime in the next 3 weeks (yes! Only three to go!) so we’ll see what’s possible.
Tat Ta for now, the Koreans will be back and hungry soon so I should get my lunchtime face on.
Bomber out