Saturday, June 12, 2004

Hey fellas

I have an all new official favorite website, which has some of the funniest shit on it I have ever seen. It's parent site is here, which is funnier. No point trying to describe it; just go there and bask in its glory. Leave me here to die, I'll never make it...

Also this original unedited recording of Armstrong's voice on the moon. Revisionist history has thus far robbed us of this wonderful moment in our recent past; now it can be enjoyed in full.

On the music front, Dunc and Dave have been discussing the White Stripes on Bomber's discussion forum (you know it's the place to be...) Take a look at this Flash music video for "Fell in Love with a Girl." Music original, kittens simply funny.

Food this week and this story from the BBC imparts the exciting news that someone has opened a chippy in Beijing. 3 years too fucking late you insensitive bastards.

Gaimen reports that some web comic artist type fella appealed to his readership for donations so he could give up his day job and concentrate on the website. He made 22,000 dollars (and that's US dollars, folks) which gave me a similar (well; identical) idea.

OK you 6; stump up so I can spend all day trawling and bringing you purile web based amusement and pin sharp commentary. Do it quick and I can tell my boss to shove it and take the rest of the day off.

Pay pal accepted.


Thursday, June 10, 2004

Morning all

Some converstaion yesterday about requests for more lesbian sport coverage and the exact location / content / existence of Dunc's website. I have my suspicions about http://www.hugejizzytitwank.cum/ although I suspect that in the mind of its owner it contains all the Xtreme (note imperative dropping of first e) naked lezzer sports are hosted there. With pictures. Yahoo states "We didn't find any Web pages containing hugejizzytitwank" which says a lot, frankly.

Speaking of all things jizzy and I met up with Welsh Jon two nights ago. He wants to know what happens to all the jizz if you get your tubes tied. I tried to tell him that they fit you with a small bag and it leaks out of your belly button, which is why you can't have a colostomy bag and a jizz packet (not enough sockets), but Jon doesn't believe me and thinks it would dribble out of his arse. Naturally he's concerned and so has turned to "bomber's expert panel" for advice. On the other hand he was quite drunk when he asked me this and so probably didn't realise quite how many people would know that he's considering the snip once it had been posted on this site and Dave read it...


Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Hello all

sorry for the silence, and thanks for the notes (actually note) of support (well, not actually support, more like "you lazy cunt, where's my mid-morning reading" or somesuch, but nevermind; appreciated none the less)

I've been in Singapore since Monday night, on an errand to measure some stuff, talk to some folks about some stuff we did wrong and now must fix and spy on someone else's work. I was quite surprised when I read on my plane ticket that I was flying down on Monday night, because I distinctly remember asking for a Tuesday night flight. It being Monday afternoon when I noticed this did nothing to improve my mood. I was a barely controlled volcano of rage until I checked back and found that I HAD actually asked for ... Monday. errr. Somwhat similar to the time I nearly flew to the UK on a weekend Jaunt to a mate's wedding a MONTH early. Who says you can't get BSE from gargling cow shit (60% of the constituence of Mac D buggers, according to pundits. Hmm Lurvely.)

So Ronnie died and CNN (only news service available in my hotel; aside from S'pore telly "and a woman today was admitted to hospital with a minor ankle strain from carrying too much shopping...") did a big thing on Ronnie and Nancy and how Ronnie insisted on being called Clarebell for the last 8 years, or something. They did state that hundreds of admirers were filing thoruhg the rotunda where Ronnie was being kept, which made me think that they really should have let the mourners in before the rubber neck brigade and that, although a nutcase, he still deserves to lie in state in a better place than GW's garden shed. CNN also said that Fracne "bent over backwards" to accommodate GW at the UN. Now they all agree on something (ie that Iraq should be free) it seems that poilitical poundits have suddenly forgotten that there were any differences in the first place. Tossers. It'll proably work, though. One more thing to blame the French for. CNN also made wind of the fact that GW and Putin hadn't talked "for months" after Russia refused to back GW's mad autumn oil grab. You can imagine the cold war hotline;

"GW, some nutcase has control of Georgia's nuclear navy, we need your support to find a solution before the whole of the balkans goes bye bye"

"Talk to the hand Pooty Poot, where were you when I needed a friend, eh?"

I love this world, but can I get off it now please?

Venus crossed the sun yesterday, which was brave considering the size difference. Tele printed pics taken by Russian landers on Venus in the 70s or something. Quite cool (or hot; depends, I suppose) although I hadn't though probes had ever been sent to land on Venus, much less send pictures back. Also they said that Scott or someone was send down south to look at the Venus crossing 200 years ago and afterwards bumped into Australia. Imagine, if he'd never gone, the world would be without the Wolongong and Aussie rules footie. Ah well, you can never have enough prison space.

I took the project in Korea (I had a choice, oh yes sir I did) and they gave me some more toy money for "accepting." Should be off there next week. the last time I worked with Koreans was in S'pore and they were ALL fucking rude bastards. Should be a ride...

See you tomorrow