Friday, March 03, 2006

I've been waiting a year for this...

not sure if you recall my excitement last year when, on finalising the decision to move to Brussels, I found that there is an annual festival of fantastic film held here. My excitement was tempered by the fact that I would have to wait a whole year for it, coz it happens in March.

Well, for the Calendrially challenged amongst you, it is now March, and BIFFF is here.

BIFFF publicity poster (incase you couldn't guess...)

I've trawled the schedule (beware badly presented pdf link) and picked out 6 films that I've just this second booked tickets for. They are; The descent, Evil Aliens, Running Scared, Minotaur, V for Vendetta and Sky High

I'm dead chuffed to get to see V and Sky High and evil aliens looks like a riot. The other 3 are thrillers with vartying doses of horror thrown in, but I was more than a little disappointed with the selection of fantasy and Sci-fi available. Almost all is horror or thriller/horror type stuff. Any recommendations from the movie buffs amongst you would be gratefully received. btw I've seen Naked Lunch and, although Andrea hasn't, I don't really think she'd enjoy it, so that's why it's not on the list.

Bomber out

Thursday, March 02, 2006

beaten to the punch (again) well, they did have 12 weeks notice I suppose.

From the comments, it is obvious that when Smudge emailed me this morning saying "the scan came back fine, you are clear to post the news on the blog" what he actually meant was "we've already told everyone." Ho hum. News is news and the gingers are pregnant so cause for celebration all round. Here's a picture of the little tyke.

If you look carefully you can just make out the hair and protruding bottom lip...

As my thunder has been stolen, that's all you get. I'm off biking

Bomber out