Oh my God
you have to watch this flash anim. from the BBC, it's a sex ed thingy entitled "funny flaps"; need I say more? Although instructional, perhaps not really safe for work...
Xmas party this afternoon (that's "aaaaavo" to you aussie types) so I should be pleasently drunk by 5 and a ranting lunatic by 7.
Plans have changed a bit for Christmas. I had previously managed to score a coach class airmiles ticket on Cathay HK - Toronto, but had to get "unrestricted" class, which is more expensive than business. An expensive flight to pay cash for though, so I figured what the hell. Then the firm decides last week that I need to go on a stone inspection to France on the 20th December and I am left with the prospect of flying Paris - Hong Kong - Toronto on the 23rd December. 27 hours when it should be 7. Fuck that I thought and started looking for cheap flights from Paris to TO. 600 quid was the cheapest I could find. Fuck that-er I thought and so I called Cathay's wonderfully helpful help desk last night and, after having to explain that I didn't want a Cathay flight because that woulfd involve 27 hours flying instead of 7 (you'd have thought that airline staff would know more about the layout of the World, but there ouy are), I managed to score a BA flight on points from Paris to TO via the lovely Heathrow. But OH NO; no coach class available ... EVEN WORSE; no Business class either! Bugger me I've no choice but to FLY FIRST CLASS! And it's less points down the Kasi (sp?) than my coach cl ticket from HK-TO! How pissed off do you think Bubble is? ... Not even half way there mate! She even said "I was going to say you'd probably get upgraded too, but i just realised that you can't..."
See Bomber. See the Dog house. See Bomber in the Dog house.
Fuck it, I'm flying to Canadia 1st class! Top.
Oh, yeah, forgot. The reason for this little rant wasn't COMPLETELY to piss you off about my FIRST CLASS ticket, or anything, but to ask if I can crash at Smudge or Sparky's London Res. for the evening? I arrive from Paris (BCl, no first on that flight...) the evening of the 22nd, about 6.30pm and leave again following morn @11.40. Dinner's on me, now I'm in the jet-set.
Can any one put me up...?
Bomber out
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom
...like being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
Friday, December 10, 2004
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Hoy, music buffs!
try this game. All you do is key in the name of a band and it will randomly select 10 songs for you to identify. Challenge is to find a band that it doesn't recognise. I have no idea where it gets its database of music tracks from. Don't really care either
Bomber out
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Morning all
The league of women let this slip into the public domain. Rumour has it that the That's Life offices were mysteriously burned to the ground last night, although that could be just what was coming to them, rather than specifically to do with this piece. I thought about embelishing it, but there seems no point...
LONDON (AFP) - Wriggling out of an embarrassing situation comes naturally to the vast majority of British women, according to a new poll.
They lie.
In all, 96 percent of women resort to little white lies such as the top fib, "of course you don't look fat," followed by "these shoes were only 10 pounds" and "the bus/train was late."
In the list of falsehoods published Thursday in the women's magazine That's Life, "I've got a headache" ranked fourth, then came "I've only had one drink," "that dress looks good on you" and "the cheque's in the post."
Fibs about age, sex and love rounded out the top ten, with "you look ten years younger," "you're wonderful in bed," and at the end "I love you."
Partners are most likely to be lied to (70 percent), while two-thirds of parents and friends occasionally ought to think twice whether their daughter or mate is telling the truth. Well over half of women lie to their colleagues or bosses.
Whether men are any more truthful than women will have to wait for another poll, along with a top ten list for the male sex.
The magazine polled 5,000 women around 38 years old in Britain, Scotland and Wales.
As Dunc would say; see! see! it's not just us being stupid!
I'm most interested in the bit about women lying to women. "Of course you don't look fat in that" as one of the top 10 lies told by 70% of women means that when they ask the question triggering the whopper from their female companion; they expect to be lied to because that's what they'd do in the same position.
Bomber out
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Dunc sent me this link a while ago, to a virtual bartender. In true bartender fashion said tender is blond leggy and stacked. List of commands as folows;
dance On Bar
downward Dog
eat Banana
flick BottleCap
flick Lighter
lick Breasts
pour Beer On Self
push up On Bar
read Playboy
shadow Box
shake It
show Breasts
show Butt
squeeze Breasts
stick Tongue Out
stomps Feet
stomps Feet2
stud Message
suck Lollipop
sunshine Girl Calender
tap Dance
tickle Fight
touch Toes
wag Finger
much fun although perhaps not safe for work, unless your boss is the one keying in the commands of course. I thought the best fun would be in trying to find a command listed here. Dirty Sanchez just seemed to confuse the poor lass...
Bomber out
Monday, December 06, 2004
Morning all
Guardian Unlimited Special reports Israel shocked by image of soldiers forcing violinist to play at roadblock
I wasn't going to link this story, cause it's got no tits in it, but it keeps haunting me. It's about the Israeli military's treatment of palestinians at check-points and specifically about one guy forced to play violin. There is this huge forour about this because it draws parallels to Jewish prisoners being forced to play the violin in Nazi death camps. What surprises me a little is one jewish correspondent's contention that;
the soldiers responsible should be put on trial "not for abusing Arabs but for
disgracing the Holocaust".
The author goes on to make a more balanced argument but the core message is clear. That the story of an officer killing an 8 year old girl, then riddling her body with bullets, was a sideline in the piece is very telling.
I read a very good suggestion recently, that Palestinians should start wearing yellow stars, perhaps then the Israeli check-point soldiers will be reminded of the relative position that they are in today.
Sorry for that, here's some boobies; an "animated" advent calender
Trust the meeting of "minds" went well last night, I was going to post a picture of Dave in his party hat so Dunc could recognise him, but realised the pointlessness of it. How could you miss Dave?
Bomber out