Chrimbo party invite
All 4 of you who visit this site are invited, although I'll understand if the trip from OZ / UK / the moon is a little far.
I've also used this invite to plug the blog, so if you're here because you got an invite through the email than stick around and read some of the hugely amusing stuff I put here and the frankly lacklustre put downs posted by the 4 people who visit regularly. Actually Dunc complimente me the other day, I think he may be ill.
See you on the 11th (well, I won't see you, I'll be blind by 4...)
Also, take a look at this; my pick from this week's b3ta newsletter. It's very good advice on how to respond to pointlessly offensive emails, while reducing the risk of losing your job. Actually I really do prefer responding with pointedly offensive reply, but then maybe that's why I'm stuck in the job I have.
Bomber out
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
Friday, November 19, 2004
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
More anti-French lovliness
Chirac spared his Waterloo as queen renames a palace chamber:
LONDON (AFP) - The Waterloo Chamber at Windsor Castle will be renamed for just one night Thursday when Queen Elizabeth II entertains French President Jacques Chirac with a special performance of "Les Miserables".
The Queen and the Frog, yesterday
The name switch follows possible unease at Buckingham Palace's decision to stage a show of "friendship" towards the French head of state in a room named after the Battle of Waterloo.
Wanting to avoid needless reminders of how we whipped frog butt, a palace spokeswoman told AFP that the huge Waterloo Chamber -- an elegantly decorated room within the queen's weekend retreat, west of London -- would be renamed the Music Room Hands Up If You Hate The French Room for the evening.
"It was fitting for the night serves them right," she explained.
"cunts", she added
Bomber out