Friday, February 18, 2005

Xbox power-cord recall

Public service announcement from CNet today (guess this probably applies to you Dave...)

"I am a Halo 2 god! First I splattered two guys at once with my Ghost hovercraft, and then I took out a Warthog with my rocket launcher. I am awesome! I am so hot! I am so hot it actually smells like smoke in here! I...hey..." If you purchased an Xbox made before October 23, 2003, you'll probably want to head on over to the Xbox Web site and order a replacement power cord. Smoking, carpet scorching, and fire dangers have been reported.
Bomber out

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Saw this on b3ta today titled "Teen Pregnancy in the UK"

Couldn't resist

Off down the pub for Margs

Bomber out

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

British supermarket to sell replica royal engagement ring

There's something truly tasteless, yet undeniably English about this story. A supermarket chain is making sterling silver replica of Camilla's ring (oo-err) and selling it for less than 20 quid. Their aim is;

that the exclusive 'Camilla-inspired' ring will give all budding Prince Charmings the chance to impress their princess this spring and still have change left over for the weekly shop"
And the purveyor of this "timeless classic"? Asda, of course. Perhaps they have Ratner as their jewelery merchandiser...
