Well, a toy filled week for me. Half Life 2 is lurking on the HDD and frankly too tempting for work to get a lookin. I never actually played the original HL, as my 'puter wasn't up to it so I have had to spend the last 6 years listening to Dave tell me how great it was. Of course I was a little concerned that my current PC (already TWO years old!!!) would not be up to it either, but I needen't have worried. Of course, I'm sure that the application of a 21" monitor and top flight graphics card would improve the expeerience imeasurably, but I have thus far been unable to convince Bubble of the value in spending a grand to make a 30 quid game run better. Girls just have no sense of proportion...
Instead, as I left our digital camera in a cab a couple of weeks ago, she let me loose in the camera shop yesterday and as a result we are now the proud owners of a 2nd hand Canon D-10 digital SLR. Bloody lovely.
Sailing today and we're moving office on Monday so I'm off to a seminar type thing (listen to sales pitch about stainless steel - eat free lunch...) so only Sunday to worry about. Weather's getting cooler, so perhaps some mountain biking.
Bubble's off on some weekend workshop, so perhaps 48 hours of HL2 instead...?
Bomber out
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom
...like being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
Friday, November 26, 2004
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Ahh, working at last
Bloggers add page thingy wasn't working this morning, or perhaps my PC at home is still in shock from the awe of playing Half Life 2 last week. Wore out the graphics card, I think. Planning to turbo charge with a ATI X800 and a spanky new 19" screen, but not sure how to sell the idea to bubble, perhaps with a handbag...
Here's the real reason for posting today; Aryn T Murray
Bubble noted that, with a goatee beard and a cigarrette to mask her cuteness, you could almost believe that she is genetically linked to Dave. Bit of a stretch, I think.
Bomber out