Hello on this fine Saturday morning
Wired has a story about the Guthrie estate suing some guys for using "Our Land" in a satirical animation about the pres. campaign. The story is so-so, the centrepiece of the debate is bloody funny (4 meg down load, though, so band girth only...)
Looks like loads more groovy stuff on this site, but I haven't explored yet...
Bomber out
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom
...like being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
Friday, August 06, 2004
Thursday, August 05, 2004
Mornin' all
for all you GTA lovers out there, Gamespot has a six page preview of GTA:San Andreas. Fave quote;
From the sound of things, there won't be many pushovers in the game when you make moves for their cars this time around. The surly citizenry won't give up their wheels without a fight, which you just know isn't going to end well.
Thankfully, CJ is a resourceful young man with an expanded carjacking move-set. If the driver of your preferred vehicle won't leave, you can convince him or her to do so via kicks, punches, pistol-whips, or simple bashes of the head against the dashboard of the car--which should ensure hours of fun.
Carjacking at gunpoint is a natural progression for the series, so we're excited to see how it plays out.
No shit. I am SOOOO down with that, mo'fukker
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
OK OK, enough of the threats of Simon and his canine companion.
Back in HK and sweaty as always. Last night spent in the pub attempting to drink through the jet lag. Some bastard was farting repeatedly on the plane, always while I was asleep. Woke up at one point to see the stewardess standing over the guy next to me with a can of Glade.
Watched Day After Tomorrow and Punisher on the plane. Both shit although the Puinisher was especially so.
The site Jules mentions; http://www.preparingforemergencies.co.uk/ is a spoof of the actual http://www.preparingforemergencies.co.gov/ and is very funny indeed. Here is what B3ta had to say about it;
: PREPARINGFOREMERGENCIES.CO.UK Parody site goes ballistic
The problem with running a weekly newsletter based upon the stuff people do on a daily basis is that sometimes the items are so hot, that they go around the world twice before we even have the chance to tell you about them
Thomas Scott writes -
The UK government registered www.preparingforemergencies.gov.uk to go with their anti-terror advice leaflet. "Pity they forgot to register co.uk , really.
It would only have been mildly funny, had some bod at the Cabinet Office not objected, sent me a firm email, and turned the whole thing into a news story
"This has gone beyond Tonbridge Monkey Man proportions - I've had about two pages in the Guardian supplement today, as well as being on three local TV news shows last night.
See what all the fuss was about:http://www.preparingforemergencies.co.uk/
Read the newspapers:http://news.google.com/news?q=preparingforemergencies.co.uk
Bloody marvelous.
Nuff for now, except to say that I heard a news story about the japanese equivalent of frat rape. The story itself was one thing, but then they started talking about some cartoon superhero called "RapeMan" who takes revenge on women who have lied to, stolen from or dumped hapless japanese men by ... wait for it ... raping them. Well, so long as that part's clear I'm sure we can all understand why the heroine (not "victim", apparantly) often falls in love with our "hero"
Monday, August 02, 2004
Sunday, August 01, 2004
Morning all
I'm off back home today, I'm just too cool for Paris, It doesn't deserve me.
Smudge and I went out for dinner on Saturday night. We ended up in an area of town densely populated with what could only be described as "les poofteures" so 2 blokes having dinner fit right in. I found myself completely incapable of eating any "rich" food at all so ordered a salad. It came with a 1/2 pound lump of Foie Gras on top. I nearly barfed (but I did eat it). Afterwards we wandered aroiund for a bit, most places being closed, due to the Paris August exodus and ended up ... in an Irish pub. I shit you not. There's tons of Irish pubs in Paris, it seems to be the only way to get a decent (non french) pint. Plus they were open. I guess the concept of "zee ingleesh poob" would be a little much for the French to take.
Welcome, Elvie, to the blog. Bubble does indeed visit these hallowed pages, which is no reason to temper the language but does explain why I haven't detailed the quite incredible density of tottie walking the streets past the bar right outside our hotel. So Smudge told me anyhow, I had my back to the street....
I'll sign off now, as I've got to check the morning nonsense from HK before packing for the flight. Frankly, I'm sad to leave. It has been one of the most relaxing, yet effective, weeks I have had of work for a long time. I'm sure that the relaxed atmosphere in Paris has a significant amount to do with that. I just heard yesterday that Gartner has moved their assembly facility from Germany to Spain. I intend to find out where...
Bomber out