Friday, January 21, 2005

Oh no! What the fuck have I done!!!!!???!!!

last year the skipper on the boat I sail on asked if I wanted to enter the 4 peaks race. Sounds like a laugh, I thought. What a twat. Of course, the inclusion of the word "peak" has nothing to do with "peak your interest" or "Widow's peak" as I'd reasonably assumed, but is about running up fucking hills! SHIT. Now I'm committed to running up Mt Stenhouse at 6am next Sunday morning after having been battening down hatches etc for 18 hours. What have I let my self in for. Just looked the race up on t'interweb here's a taste of what I found;

Everyone prepares very thoroughly and many of the teams train together for weeks prior to the event
Excuse me? we're meeting Monday in the pub
It’s a tough test of equipment, sailing skills and cross country running
Right. Our boat's 30 years old, our crew, well.
It is a gruelling, overnight event
Oh dear.
considered to be one of the most testing competitions in the region
It just gets worse...
requires the highest levels of fitness
Well of course it would, wouldn't it, you have to run up fucking HILLS.

Actually, I have the shortest one (a little over 350m) but if you think that's going to stop me pooping it, think again.

So, I'm off this Sunday to recce Mt Stenhouse and see what I've let myself in for.

When they say Run up hills, they really mean walk, right?

Bomber out

Thursday, January 20, 2005


Saw this today, which made me think of Dave

Than I looked down and thought of myself...

Bomber out

Monday, January 17, 2005

Mornin' fellas

sorry, I've been lazy of late (nothing new there then). Work's a bit bonkers and last week was bloody awful, so hopefully this will one be better... huh.

Big(ish) news is that we have finally joined (or at least committed to joining) the ranks of the home owning public. We have signed up for a condo in Toronto; small (635sqft) but with a nice big balcony (100 sqft) and southfacing. The view is of downtown Toronto, but is over a graveyard. Bit of a double edged sword, that one; although no Chinese will be interested in living there, you know that the plot next door is unlikely to be built on any time soon! In keeping with the times, "The Clairmont" has a website; suggest turning off the really fucking annoying saxophone music before putting your fist throughout he screen in disgust. It'll be finished (allegedly) next summer, then we plan to get some overpaid Rupert in there to pay the mortgage while he makes his way up the career ladder. Also quite convenient for the Brass Rail (salubrious Toronto nightspot) and the largest beer store in the province.

Anyhoo, 'nuff for now. Oh yeah; how come I get "Bummer" and "Nerdy Spod Bollocks" but the best you can come up with for Dave is "Lightning Dave"...? Some more imagination, please.

Bomber out