Saturday, October 08, 2005

Morning all!

short post, I just saw this guardian article on t'internet

It's about the growing rumor that GW claimed to be on a 'mission from god' in Afganistan and Iraq and, more shockingly for his already questionable IQ, that he said it to a bunch of Palistinians. My favoprite quote, however, comes later on;

"We're facing a radical ideology with unalterable objectives: to enslave whole nations and intimidate the world,"
For those of you uninterested in politics or laughing at Americans (freaks!), here's a short about disposable vibrating cock rings from Wired.


Daph and Derek turn up this afternoon, so Andrea's busy 'improving' the standard of clenliness that I have established in this household. Less for me to do next week.

Bomber out

Friday, October 07, 2005

Saw this

Laughed till I shat. Had to share

Just finished turfing the lawn, will post requisite lengthy discussion on horticulture and water features in due course.

Bomber out

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Serenity stuff

Brussels continues to get colder and darker, but at least they've got the heating on in the flat. We've got D&D over this weekend and the Smudgers, Dread Pirate Richard and his crew at the end of the month. The grass goes down on the garden this weekend so barbies on the lawn, ... errr ... in the rain and cold. Great

Good news, and The Guardian have an interview with Joss Whedon about Serenity and Wonder Woman. Whedon's quote on Wonder Woman is classic;

Oh, I'm sticking with all the important stuff. The bracelets. The invisible plane. The magic lasso. I will find a way of not making it cheesy

Right on, Joss, got your work cut out for you there I'd say

IMDB has some cool Serenity set pictures aswell. It's due out in the UK this week. Bastards.

Bomber out

Monday, October 03, 2005

Morning all

Bike ride was ace. Shocks uprated to carry the extra bulk already so no drama there.

The forest near us must have over 200 km of legal bike trails and god knows how many illegal ones. There's a marked out MTB trail (around 25K) which I now have marked on a map and plan to ride later this week. I've ridden parts of it already and it's nothing like as technical as the trail near you but good muddy deciduous woodland fun none the less. We also have some Frog MTB mag which gives details on a trail to the North of the city.

Game stuff and Gamespy has a review on GTA : Liberty City Stories, looks fantastic;
Even though I only got to play a few of the game's many missions, it's pretty
clear that Rockstar Leeds has succeeded in creating a game that retains
everything that makes the GTA series great.
Bomber out