Calling all zombies!
Check out this free game. It's an online city with >100,000 registered players, based around a zombie infestation story. It's very simple (all text) but it's got zombies!!
Takes about 10 minutes a day to play (you are restricted to 50 "action points" per day) so easily doable even for you worker monkeys!
See you in Malton!
Bomber out
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
We went, we saw, we ate sausage
Last weekend saw our trip to the Christmas markets in Germany. Apparently these are quite famous. I had an idea that they might be a bit shit...
We went to 2 markets, one in Achen, one somewhere else I can't be bothered to remember the name of now. I was surprised at how quickly we were able to drive out of Belgium, cut a corner across Holland and into Germany. Only took about an hour and a half. I remember growing up on my little island thinking these places were so far away...
Anyhow, we arrived in Achen and it was brass monkeys so we found the first mulled wine stall we could and refuelled there. There were possibly more english tourists at the market than there were Germas. This, of course, should have been a good, except that tehy were all (all) white trash chav-tastic arseholes so it was embarrasing instead. Mark pointed out that there weren't many old buildings left. Shouldn't have invaded Poland, then, should they, I opined. Mark suggested that it was a bit more complex than that, then thought a bit and agreed that it wasn't.
The market seemed made up of 20% model nativity selling stalls, 10% hippy cunts selling some shite they'd made in their garage, 15% tacky christmas decorations and 55% food and drink stalls. We had heard rumours that there was at least one stall selling edible baby jesuses, and I wanted several, but we couldn't find it. We went for the sausages instead. At the first sausage stall they had something that looked exactly like black pudding so I had that, with lots of sourkraut (sp?) of course. As everyone knows, the reason that the jerries lost the war is that they put too much meat on their sausages. We, on the other hand, pack them with sawdust and rat droppings so the meat goes further. If they had done the same, their stock of sausages would have lasted longer and they wouldn't have had to give up as soon as they did, all hungry like. Then we could have firebombed more towns and further aided their post war construction industry. Some people just can't recognise help when they are offerred it. The Black pudding was no exception to this rule and, while it tasted OK, was missing the grainy texture that comes from packing it out with shavings and toenails. It had a really soft texture that made me want to yak, but the look of disgust on bubble's face was too precious to waste so I carried on munching.
After a quick look around (and 2 more mulled wine stalls) we decided that Achen was a shit hole so we moved on to the 2nd market. This one was in a much prettier town (much more old buildings, we must have missed it), although the crap on sale was exactly the same, only fewer sausage stalls. We hung around there for a couple of hours then had some more sausage and started back. On the way we stopped in to see a band that Mark had been thinking of joining. They were playing in a pub on the outskirts of Brussels and the place was packed. All seemed promising until the band started playing... We left a while later, ears pleading with us to please stop the torture and returned to Chez nous for after market beers. All in all a worthwhile day, although I'm not sure I'll be heading back to the Christmas markets or teh "swing cafe" any time soon...
Last night we went to see The Stars, a lesser known Montreal band, who are touring at the mo. Really good show in a tiny hall ( less than 200 people I guess). I got drunk and bought their album. On Vinyl. Odd as I don't own a record player. Oh well, one more thing to add tot he shopping list. Ta ta, I'm off for a bike ride (in teh fucking cold...)
Oh, and DP Rich; "James Blunt" is now officially Cockney rhyming slang for ... well I'm sure you can guess. Check this out
Bomber out