Sorry, but it's been a terrible week
Some of you will have met Dierdre Quinn when you came to visit last year, she's an Irish lass who works with Andrea. Dierdre is a mad keen runner and ran the Belgian 1/2 marathon the week before last. She came 24th. Sadly, she can't remember this because she passed out on crossing the line and was rushed to hospital in a coma. She's 30. Proof that running is bad for you, she's recovering now from what looks to have been an epileptic fit or something similar (thinking stroke, but the docs aren't saying). The last week has been horrible, the doctors on the day were not at all optomistic and were mentioning possible brain damage. Things started to look up in the mid-week, when she finally came to (she'd been out for 4 days) and she'll be moving out of the ICU at the end of this week, probably. Currently she's convinced that she's in Canada but at least she can swallow, cough, talk and eat (at least one at a time), all of which are a huge releaf so a little locasional disphasia we can handle.
Please send your best thoughts this way, so we can get Dierdre out and drinking again (and into some other sort of passtime that's less damaging than jogging).
Bomber out
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...