Friday, November 05, 2004

OK OK, last word on the election;

this came from ricardo. Not sure if he did it or nicked it. funny anyway so have it;

Also this in Wired today;

Bogie at Nine O'Clock
The District of Columbia Air National Guard is trying to figure out why one of its pilots fired 25 rounds of ammunition at Little Egg Harbor Intermediate School in south New Jersey Wednesday night, after mistaking it for a military target three miles away. The lone custodian in the building was uninjured, and damage to the school was minimal. The pilot of the F-16 was not identified, but an investigation is under way.
-- Associated Press

Serves New jersey right for voting Democrat, I reckon. It's the only explanation I can thinmk of; afterall, there are no British tanks in New Jersey.

Bomber out

Thursday, November 04, 2004

All over, including the shouting

The less said about that the better I suppose.

No news at the moment, all focus still being on our fundamentalist cousins (no, not the Iraqis)

It's the cricket 6's this weekend, which is in one sense a bit of a warm up for the 7s. Sit on a bench, drink overpreiced beer until you pass out and end up wondering what sport you had been watching whilst nursing a week long hangover. My kind of weekend.

I have a question for you lot; ever heard of a band called Club 8? They're playing in HK next week and the article says they are some swedish mob. no idea what sort of music though. If they're some sort of Aqua copy band, I'll be pissed off to have paid 20 quid to see them. Any hints?

Bomber out

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Fave US election quote so far;

"It's the only way to make the ads stop," Amanda Karel, of Columbus, Ohio, told the Associated Press as she queued to vote.

Guardian predicatbly lefty coverage; Guardian Unlimited | US elections 2004 | No upsets in early US returns:

Rabit right wong coverage over at Fox

Bomber out

Monday, November 01, 2004

80's shit part 2; the ginger body-pop

Untitled Document

Smudge's excuse that the 80's was a dodgy era does nothing to explain the fact that he's kept up the practice. Sadly digital video was not freely available when he utterred the immortal lines in a Singapore night club; "Get out the way, I'm gonna do an 'ead spin". Some events are best left to history.

No news today, except apparantly there's some sort opf ballot in the US, for which there's quite a good poll tracking site here. They have Kerry 298 Bush 231 EC votes, although the number's been up and down like a yo-yo and it may all be decided yet again by Jeb bush and his cohorts.

Something I've been meaning to mention for a week now, but I'm REALLY pissed off with waiting for GT4. So much so that I've decided to play GT3 from 0%. Already worn out one controller.

Oh yeah, and I was reading Broken Angels, which is fucking ace, but I had just got to the bit where Wardani finally gets the door open and the radiation's killing them all and they're trapped and ... and ... and ... I LEFT THE FUCKING BOOK ON THE PLANE!!!!!! I am so pissed off

Little Dave is apparantly due around Nov 15, so Bubble and I are thinking of heading down to S'pore for some baby head wetting.

Bye, back to the racing

Bomber out