Friday, July 08, 2005

Rich; stay away from Ohio mate

Ohio man charged with exposing his breasts

CHICAGO (AFP) - An Ohio man with the breasts of a woman has been charged with indecent exposure after he was spotted shirtless.

"He's a guy. He's real tall, and he's got a full set of breasts," assistant Cincinnati solicitor Kevin Donovan told the Cincinnati Post. Jerome Mason, 23, was spotted shirtless by police at 1:00 am on April 22. Since then, the 6-foot, 200-pound man's case has floundered in the courts because he has failed to meet with his court-appointed attorney. But public defender Michael Welsh said the charges really ought to be dropped. "It's not illegal for a man to expose his breasts," Welsh told the Cincinnati Post. "It's also not even technically illegal for a woman to expose her breasts (in public)," he said Thursday.

"Not technically illegal
for a woman to expose her breasts (in public)"? Should be bloody mandatory

Bomber out

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Product of the Month comes from Engaget

This little gem is apparently being sold by Orange so that you can "hold it above your head and take pictures over crowds with your cameraphone". It has a shutter release on the end of the stick. Of course no one would consider it for up skirt shots on the bus now would they?

I'm off to China in the morning and then Bubble's back tomorrow night (unless they close Heathrow or somesuch) so nothing tomorrow unless something funny crops up, like it turns out that teh attacks on London were launched by disgruntled garlic eaters. Actually, one of the news nets I read did make a point of Chirac saying the whole thing was "terrible" and we all know what that means in french


Breaking news

by the time you read this you will probably have heard what happened in London at 9am this morning and will know more than I do at the moment. Suffice to say there have been some explosions on busses and some mixed reports of incedents on the tube. It seems at the very least that large sections of the tube are shut down due to power outage.

Just to let you know I have heard from Bubble (well, not yet directly from her but via Daph, her sister) and she is fine I have also heard from my Mum, my Dad, my Brother and 1/2 my cousins, who are all in London for my Gran's funeral today and they are fine too. Suburbia has it's uyses, it seems. Would appreciate teh Smudges and Sparky and that checking in when possible.

Guardian news has a regularly updated spot here

Bomber out

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Mais non! Les Olympics, en Engleterre? Zut alors!

Jaques Chirac wished the best of "luck" to London and praised teh "fair play" of the French bid. Spot the veiled acusation there.

Tony Blair was more upbeat; "That's right frenchy, we won and you didn't. must be 'cause you smell. Now we just have to ... err ... build a new tube system or buy some more busses or put up the conjestion charge (again) or something and we'll be sorted. Oh, yes, and some stadiums (sorry dear, stadia, you always were so clever)."

While Lord Coe was heard to simper; "Toni, can I stop sucking Spanish cock now, please?"

On the other side of the room, our world sports ambassador (self) elect, David Beckham (who was also apparantly in Singapore for the announcement aswell, although no one could work out why, as hairdressing modelling isn't even a demonstration sport yet); "Bloody brill, init; 'limpics ... comin' to London, can I be center forward?"

Finally, our hosts, the Singapore government; "thank you lah, enjoy you come to singapore waat. Glad we can hep you to making decision one, remeber Sinagpore bidding 2016 ah!"

Everybody else; "4 floors then?"

meanwhile in Paris;

Bomber out

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I love the news nets

Yahoo, my morning headline source, had 5 articles in the cycling section this morning. They were titled;

  • Discovery set record straight to put Armstrong in yellow
    Armstrong Claims Lead
    Armstrong takes Tour lead as Zabriskie crashes
    Armstrong in yellow as Zabriskie hits the tarmac
    Armstrong in yellow as Discovery Channel wins team time-trial

I saw the cycling last night, so I knew what the rticles were about just from the headlines. Can you work it out?

Bomber out

Monday, July 04, 2005

Some people get paid to do the strangest things

I'd love to work for someone like NASA, spending all day coming up with ideas like radio controlled cars on Mars, scramjets and space-based advertising. The latest is the incredibly names "Deep Impact", a plan to fire a bin at a commet and take pics of the crash. Of course, to get the movie tie in, they needed to choose a mission name that hadn't already been made into a movie. Wired covers this, but no pics unfortunately. They do have a side about some folks camping on a beach in Honalulu to watch it. The quote defines the whole attitude to this sort of stuff among the tax paying public;

"It's almost like one of those science fiction movies," said Steve Lin, a Honolulu physician.
Uh, great, but the effects weren't as good as in the original...

view from the dustbin 5 minutes from impact, doesn't look too threatening...

... 90 seconds, oh fuck, oh fuck ...


Of course NASA say it won't cause the commet to change course and end up in the Atlantic (or on Paris, ooh, there's an idea). but I will have dreams of butterfly wings for weeks to come.
It didn't stop some mad Russian astrologer from suing NASA because;

"it is obvious that elements of the comet's orbit and associated ephemera will change after the explosion, which interferes with my practice of astrology and deforms my horoscope,"

Yes yes fuck off and stroke your crystals you mad old cow.

Bomber out

Sunday, July 03, 2005

one more down, three to go

Moved out of apartment; check
Motivation at 0%; check
PSP requires more than 2 charges per day due to recurring "stomach problem"; check

Definitely starting to feel like the end of the tunnel now.

The move out of the apartment went pretty smoothly. Fortunately we had the help of a friend, who we rticked by offering him "free" books. The walk up to our new place involves a steep staircase which, on a hot sunny day like last Friday, made for lots of water fuelled weightloss. We managed to put it all back on in the pub afterwards though, except Bubble who had to finish her paper; something for which I paid dearly later on as this was apparently my fault.

Chantal's apartment is "bijou". I tried to swing the cat but he hit both walls so I had to give up that game. It's over in Kennedy town, beyond our old place in Western. I realise now what I liked about the Western district, it really is a great compromise between accessibility to Central and a more Chinese area, without having a population density resulting in there being more people than air, like the Dark Side.

The sound of the cllock ticking reminds me that it's toilet time again, come here you lovely PSP you

Bomber out