Happy sundays
My paris trip almost got canned yesterday, when the French got the shits about the GC not attending. They said they were "concerned that the GC would object" but I suspect that they were really concerned that it is now they who will have to sign off on the approval. The upshot was I was instructed (in 24 point bold type, no less) that James should not to come to Paris unless concent was gained from the GC. Peter wondered out loud if they would have people watching the airport in case I tried to slip in uninvited. Several phone calls later and that was sorted out, so off to the airport with me (after a final crack at HL2, of course). A mate of mine was flying to London at the same time I was leaving for Paris, so we arranged to meet at the "Sports bar" at the airport. This is known as the shittest sports bar in Asia (and let's face it, they have some competition) due to the fact that they don't actually have any sports channels on the tele, only CNN. Well thought out boys. Anyway, they do have a smoking bar, which is why Mark wanted to go there, so we supped a couple of lagers each before realising that we didn't have enough time to get to our respective gates, let alone make a trip to the lounge for a couple more sharpeners on Cathay's account. Ho hum.
On the plane, and no upgrade sauce for me. I did get a reasonable seat though, blissfully far from the screaming child that I nearly throttled on the train out to the airport...
I had left my GBA at home (hoping to pickup a NDS from santa; hint hint Bubble) so found myself somewhat short of entertainment when the movie selection offerred such greats as Princess Diaries 2, Catwoman and Bad Santa. Feelnng let down, I put a couple of hours in to Diablo II, until the battery gave out under the train of running the bloody CDROM. I have been completely unsuccessful in finding a no-CD crack for DII, although I did find one which claimed to be but was actually some sort of czech porn tracker, which was a result of sorts.
on the subject of gaming, as I have convinced myself that I'm going to score this job in Bangkok and knowing systech rules that staff provide their own computers, I have been trawling around for the best in portable gaming loveliness. Dave reckons DELL XPS Extreme edition (extreme - woah, must be good) but actually, the alienware 7700 looks as good inside, much better outside and is 300 USD cheaper, so I could be up for one of those puppies. They only ship inside the US, but I'm sure i can get round that somehow...
Enough for me, battery on the mobile's almost out. Just finished Light, which is a great book and starting F451, which is a 50s big brother era book, which I have never read. Next up the new Pratchett, cause I haven't read any of his stuff in yonks
Bomber out
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom
...like being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Well it's good night from me...
and it's good night from him
Play this game if you know what's good for you. Absolutely superb.
Must pack; plane to catch
Good night
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Joss Whedon fans unite!
AICN has this review of a prescreening of Serenity. That's right, the Firefly movie is in the can.
Universal praise abounds, but why do they need 8 whole months to edit the damned thing? I want to see it NOW for god's sake. Ok Ok , but Mid Jan at the fucking LATEST!
hey; anyone seen Peacekeeper wars yet?
Bomber out
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Look Look
CNET's top ten Gadgets and I only manage the older models of 2 of them!
Must SHOP.
btw; Riddick - escape from Butcher Bay PC version got 9.3 on Gamespot. Bubble; you listening? Too slow, bought it already.
Could do with a Nintendo DS, though. First class can be so lonely...
1/2 way through Chapter 11 (of 14) on HL2 (which got 9.2...); aiming to complete before I leave for frigid Europe.
Bomber out
Monday, December 13, 2004
Afternoon all
The party went staggeringly well except there was no pig left for ham sarnies on Monday. We ended up in Mark's gaff The Cavern (anyone remeber Jungle bird's chef husband Mark? well they're both back in HK with baby in tow) and rolled home at about 2. 10 hour drinking session - I was quite proud of myself. Of course that's a Weekday drink after work to you lot.
Sunday and I was picked up at 8.30 (am!) to go sailing, which was a little uncivilised. Sailing was fucking ace though, and well worth the pain of feeling like I was going to throw up all day. Now all I have to do is work out how to get paid for doing that and I'll be away.
Got an email from Systech yesterday, they are looking for folks in Bangkok so I'm going to run my CV up that flag pole and see how that flies.
I got a couple of links from AICN today;
This one for Constantine which looks like a pretty good kick-ass ghost / heaven and hell type flick, except for the Keanu Reeves factor and this one for the new batman flick. Finally, this one from Wired, which is an ad for Ipod mini made by some teacher during his "spare time" which we all know to teachers means all fucking day. Bloody good quality stuff though
That's all for now, I've got a game of Backgammon to finish then back to work with me
Bomber out