Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Bollocks are a denial of fact ... unless we're talking about music

We're off to Toronto today, the new bike should be available early next week, so we'll be trotting off to the local trails to have a blast. I'll let you know how that all goes.

Meantime, something I've been planning to pimp for a while is the NYUB podcast. The webpage, blog stylee, is here although I haven't looked through it much. The podcast's niche is that it only plays music in the public domain, the website seems to have a broader "the mainstream is shite" agenda. Our protagonist is one MK (yeah, I know) a Kiwi living in London (cue bar hop jokes). The podcast concept may sound quite pikey in a "I want to do a podcast but not pay for anything" type of way, and indeed it would be if the music was all pub band trot as one might expect, but it's not. The quality of the output is in fact consistently high. Of course, mostly it's stuff that you won't have heard of in the mainstream (but then ... you will have head it already in the mainstream...) and some of it can sound somewhat pointedly obscure at times, but if you can handle the odd track that doesn't ring your bell (He covers a wide genre of musical styles, some of it severely bleepy) then it's well worth your time. You will occasionally be treated to names you recognise, when you do, it will be gems like the Shins and Tom Waits. By the way, If you don't have the Shins' Wincing The Night Away yet then you don't know what you're missing. Really.

Right, must finish packing and get dressed. Bathrobes are not currently acceptable travel attire, or so I'm told.

Bomber out

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Best Die hard trailer evah

4.0 verse is a peach

bomber out

Pics from the last postage

Altogether too much sitting around and boozing in Sunny Spain

Told you the new hat was sexhei

At 2100m

Then the route down.... (I've traced the rough route in red, but you may need to click for bigger to see it)

foot relaxation therapy at the hot springs in Ax-Les-Thermes

Full body lying on the grass therapy in Ax

Sitting by the river in the evening sun, 5 feet from the tent

Back in Spayne. View form the resteraunt

The "private" swimming pool