Thursday, September 16, 2004

Friday at last, but which week is it?

I'm skiving today due to being crackered after the last 2 weeks. My boss, in his infinite wisdom, has taken the first day after the end of the project to write a defects list out to everyone. Didn't talk to them, mind. No; that would have been lowering himself.

On a funny note, B3ta has completed their search for the sickest jokes. my favorite;

...the baby comes out and the doc says, "I've got good news and bad news for you"

woman says, "give me the bad news first"

doc says, "your baby is stillborn"

woman, "oh my god, what on earth is the good news?!"

doc says, "it was ginger"

More good advice than sick jokage, I'll admit

Notable omission;

What's the best thing about fucking a 9 year old boy?

Watching him cry in court.

Bomber out

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Oi, who said you could take the sluts?!?

This article on Yahoo news reports the downfall of "slut wear". And I just thought they were showing off their assets like...

"The slut is out now. She's dead," said Godfrey Deeny

This season, blousy linen took the place of sheer chiffon, while shades of white chased away an edgier black. Necklines were up, while hemlines were hovering down at the knee.

"It's very ladylike. It's not jump-into-bed fashion," Deeny said

Deeny was then shuffled outside and beaten to within an inch of ihs worthless life by a group of concerned males. What a wanker!

Also, anyone familiar with the Jim Rose Sideshow, including such landmark acts as the guy who hangs dumbels from his cock and the other guy who has puzzle piece shapes tattooed all over his body and eats maggots and stuff, might appreciate an update on their whereabouts;

Freaks Against Bush

America's most extreme freak show is now an export, and its radical ringmaster has turned the bizarre extravaganza into a Bush-bashing social satire. The Jim Rose Dubya World Circus of Freaks includes such "freaks of nurture" as Big Mak, a 450-pound contortionist who scarfs doughnuts and burgers onstage to caricature America's obesity epidemic. "This is an anti-George Bush show, so we give you a mirrored reflection of what's wrong with American society," said Rose, the circus' mastermind. Rose said he took the show overseas after U.S. promoters found its politicized content radioactive in this overheated election year. "We're going to live in Europe and the United Kingdom until George Bush is out of office," he said.

LONG LIVE THE SLUT!!!! (no...of course I didn't mean you dear...ow)

Bomber out

All done bar the shouting (about money)

The lads (that's those who actually do the work rather than watch it, like me) finished up at 10am this morning, a 26 hour shift. Bloody bonkers.

Final inspection this evening and then down the pub for several stiff ones and some pies. Will post a picce of my latest child once the covers are off tonight. This one left permanent scarring I think but not as bad as the chest burster birth that was the US projects of last year.

Only concern is that I've heard the client is bringing a new project manager with him. This may precipitate me being ripped a "new arsehole" in order that our client (a sweaty, of course) can show the new blood "how it's done" best get the kow towing practice in then.

All in all exhausted from all the worrying.

Off to the races tomorrow night; start of the horsey racing season. Also got notice of the start of the winter sailing season opener this weekend and an offer of a ride (I get to meke tea and buns and such and tell swashbuckling tales of my time (errr .... s) on the high seas etc etc.

Bomber out

Monday, September 13, 2004

Last piece of glass is @ L3, no breakages. About 4 hours to install it then finito.

Bomber out