Morning all
We arrived at the hotel yesterday afternoon to find Elv playing host outside the entrance with a cigarrete in one hand and a drink in the other. He informed us that the welsh conntingent were already ensconced in one of the local pubs and that the local chip shop count was 6.
Hving dumped the bags we joined Simon and Tiam in the ootel bar for a sharpener. Looks like we'll be spending most of our time down one of the local pubs because it's 3 quid a piint in the hotel.
Smudge, Jules Richard and Sian turned up just as we were leavnng for the pub so we stopped for another swift one.
Down the hill and we found Jon, Garaint, Zai and Serene in "the Fish Pond" pub. Obviously a local favorite and it was band night so the crowd was 'vibrant" (in a Derbyshire sort of way...)
Panic when we found out that the chippies all shut at 9pm, so we dashed down and got some grease in.
Back to the pub and a last orders was on us surprisingly quickly. Bubble and I were knackered so we retired for the evennng. The Welsh were promising to descimate the whisky shelf in the hotel bar on their return. off down to breakfast now to find out wheter they followed through on it or not.
Missing you Dave, will update later today or tomorrow. With pictures if possible.
Bomber out
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
Friday, August 13, 2004
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Mornin (/ ev'nin / aternoon / what ever time of day it bloody well is)
Currently at D&D's flat down the 'Ammers... Just polished off full english (w/c black pud) and Bubble's off to get her hair done. The dry air has converted her bouncy curls into a Mullet so she's trotte off to get it shawn. Pick up the motor at 11 and head immediately for the North. Expect to arrive mid-afternoon. Flight last night was completely chokker but still no upgrades. Tossers. I did manage to doze most of the way so that was good. Especially as Bubble's driver's lisence is "expied" so I will have to do all the steering wheel work.
1/2 way through Altered Carbon which is a bloody top book and, against all reasonable advice to the contrary, I really want to be an Envoy. Manufactured psychosis mixed with big weapons. Sounds fun.
See most of you all in a few hours
Bomber out
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Morning all
Sad news today as Fate passed away last night. Monsieur-le-pussy-cat or The Fluffy White Boy as he was also known has been very ill for some time so this doesn't really come as a great shock but is sad never the less. His heart and kidneys were, to put it politely; fucked and the problem was that treating one was making the other worse. It was a balancing act that was only going to last so long.
I will never forget the look on his face after we shamppoed him once (other cat had ringworm, so the shapooing wasn't purely a masochistic endeavour). A wet long haired cat is a truly pathetic sight. Nor will I forget the belligerence level which on more than one occasion led me to consider having him died Ginger. He was a quiet cat, not prone to fits of madness like some other cats one could mention, although I'm fairly sure he had a secret catnip habit.
He will be missed, mostly by his adopted brother, Mojo, who will now have to find someone else to bully. Me most likely.
That's all for now, back to the grindstone with me
Bomber out
Monday, August 09, 2004
Bubble and I sat down to the last of S2 of Smallville last night. We had
heard that this was the final series so were a bit miffed at the ending.
Bubble jumped on the internet and found that there is a third series,
due on the shelves in easy to carry DVD format October / November this
year and S4 is currently screening.
If you haven't seen this series, give it a go. It's the story of
Superman's teen years, how he was mates with Lex Luthor and how he
discovered heat vision was brought on by thinking about .... oh but that
would be spoiling it. Obviously he's a lapdog to a slip of a girl (well,
he IS superman) although his alternate love interest (Chloe) is far more
attractive, although her teeth are worryingly sharp. Oh yes, and his dad
was a Duke boy. Well, you can't have everything.
Btw, sorry if the line breaks are all to cock, I've discovered this
email submission thingy, but my email software seems to auto insert line
breaks and it's OUT OF CONTROL!!!
Meanwhile, I'm in China again today, back this evening and planning to
visit a recently recommended pub called The Globe, which allegedly
serves 80 different beers, most of them English, including Ruddles
County. Hmmm.... Ruddles... Ever since the closure of our little gem of
a local offie, Hills, I have been missing me Ruddles.
Someone just called, so I have to trot back to work.
Off to UK for Elvie's wedding tomorrow night. Yay for jet lag...
Sunday, August 08, 2004
Morning all
Saw Arthur yesterday. Wank except for loads of good Brit accents and
that kissit nightly bird in a leather strap thingy.
Best one (well actually two) liner
Lancelot (to Guinevere, facing down 1/2 the saxon army); "There's a lot
of lonely men out there"
Guinevere; "Don't worry, I won't let them rape you"
Arthur (over Lancelot's corpse) screams at the sky; "Noooo, the
sacrifice was supposed to be me. It wasn't supposed to be like this .
never like this"
At which point the entire crew and crowd in the cinema threw up in
Bomber out