Mornin (/ ev'nin / aternoon / what ever time of day it bloody well is)
Currently at D&D's flat down the 'Ammers... Just polished off full english (w/c black pud) and Bubble's off to get her hair done. The dry air has converted her bouncy curls into a Mullet so she's trotte off to get it shawn. Pick up the motor at 11 and head immediately for the North. Expect to arrive mid-afternoon. Flight last night was completely chokker but still no upgrades. Tossers. I did manage to doze most of the way so that was good. Especially as Bubble's driver's lisence is "expied" so I will have to do all the steering wheel work.
1/2 way through Altered Carbon which is a bloody top book and, against all reasonable advice to the contrary, I really want to be an Envoy. Manufactured psychosis mixed with big weapons. Sounds fun.
See most of you all in a few hours
Bomber out
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
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