well, the workshop is over. Design wise we've moved a long way forward, contractually we may just have buried the whole job. Ah well, that's the boss' gig so i'll just plug on with the design and enjoying the weekend with his gingerness.
That's right; the ginger avenger arrives in paris tomorrow afternoon for a fun filled weekend of drinking, frog baiting and a phenomenal amount of pie eating. Haven't actually checked with the hotel whether or not my "wife" can share my room or if they'll feed him breakfast, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it (stumble across, more like).
the whole team had dinner at the rooftop of the Pomidou Ctre last night. Waiters were arrogant tossers but the food was good and the view was superb. I got absolutely fucking hammerred, was quite rude to several peopple (i think...) and only got up this morning at all because the hotel sent breakfast up at 7.30 (which I must have ordered when I staggerred in from dinner last night, can't actually remember) so I've had a cunt of a hangover all day. Meetings on a hangover can be a nightmare or a dream. I find I think of solutions to problems when hungover that I would overlook as too crude when sober / on kilter. Danger of course is pushing it too far and verbally abusing people who it is not politically correct to do so, like the client or his consultants. Fortunately we were all a little worse for wear so I think I got away with it. Managed to take Simon's advice to keep the word "CUNT" or "THAT'S YOUR JOB YOU LAZY INCOMPETANT WANKER" out of the meeting vocab, although the thoughts did cross my mind several times I don't recall verbalizing them.
I'm off for a kip then out to get trousered again.
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
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