Thursday, July 15, 2004

Mornin' all

Wired this morning reports on a drinking aid, an alcolohic inhaler, which has been banned in Australia of all places;

...users of the AWOL machine -- its name stands for "alcohol without liquid" -- breathe in alcoholic vapor produced by mixing gin or other spirits with pure oxygen. "AWOL was billed as the 'ultimate party toy' that could get users drunk 10 times faster," said an official of the Australian state. "This sends an irresponsible message about alcohol consumption." A website hawking the AWOL machine likens the boxy booze blaster to a hookah, and calls it a "dieter's dream," saying the device puts the kibosh on both calories and hangovers.

Actually, you can tell that this report is doctored. They missed the second half... "This sends an irresponsible message about alcohol consumption. All good diggers know that the only way to down a cool one is to rip its top off an chug the baaastard. All this breathing shit's for pooftas". Of course, it was NSW so perhaps...
