Dude, WTF?
You may have noticed a certain lack of content over the last week,
although no-one has complained...
This is due in part to Andrea's absence leading to me spending an unfeasible amount of time outside HK these last weeks. But it has also been due to several familial and personal broadsides that have been coming at me in the last little while, mostly from the Canadian end of the family tree. Where to start?
Note; this aticle has been modified from it's original version. It has been censored. Personally I think it's lost some of its impact, what do you think?
Dave, as you are probably all aware by now, has got himself a job with Elv in Sydney. Of course we wish them all the best, but are suffering severe feelings of jealousy and imminent loneliness. The weekend meetups in HK and Taipei will be sorely missed.
Especially as it seems I will get no more holidays this year, if my company gets its way (still working on this.) The story is that my firm's records suggest I took an extra 9 days hols last year and 5 days extra the year before that and so the accountants think the best way to remedy the situation is to refuse me any hols till the middle of next year, or something. Still up in the air but I must say that the 14 and 16 hour days I have been putting in over the last while (with all the traveling) are leaving a very sour taste in my mouth.
All of this is pure emotion and pales to insignificance next to the fact
that **********CENSORED**********
The quick resolution of which stands in direct contrast to the story of **********CENSORED**********
And from old to new, the real kicker; **********CENSORED********** and so have nothing more to say about, except I obviously lead a boring life(and I love it...)
I'm off to China again today, anybody want to hear about my bus timetable...?
Bomber out
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom
...like being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
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