Morning all
Well, half way through what I knew would be a 16 hour day yesterday I was informed that I have no more holidays this year. The company's accountant has checked his records and believes that I took 10 days extra last year and 5 days the year before so should take none until 2012, or something. This could get ugly and short of burning bridges, I'm not sure what I can do (assuming he's right about the hols, of course). I'm not sure how much stock to put in a potential reference from them, The last 2 companies I worked for before this mob are both now defunct so this is really the only contemporary reference I have. All I know is I'm losing sleep thinking about it, which is not good when I had only 6 hours last night to sleep as it was. Currently in Seoul, preparing to meet the GC from the Dark Side.
For some reason I can't access this blog in Korea, so can't get your messages of support (such as they are likely to be)
Planning on sailing again this weekend, factor-a-billion sunblock on order...
Bomber out
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
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