Tuesday, June 29, 2004


well, the nose gets worse, eventually it will just drop off, I think. will endeavor to post an updated picture later.

The Guardian today reports on a story you have all probably heard about; that SH and several of his cronies are to be "handed over" to the Iraqi government. Inverted commas used to demonstrate virtual nature of actual "Handing over". It seems he will be legally havded over but not actually handed over. Smudge, you know this sort of lawyer bullshit, clarify, please. I wouldn't mention the story, really (a bit like reporting the England got knocked out of the Euro-cup; Everyone knows and I don't care) but there was this interesting snippet;

[The tribunal that will try him] will rely on a mix of Iraqi criminal law, international regulations such as the Geneva convention, and the experiences of organisations including the Rwanda war crimes tribunal.

I can't remember if SH is being held in conditions conforming to Geneva C or not. If so, he must be the only Iraqi who is...

the ultimate toy...?

I'm not sure if these are around where you live, but we saw some in San Francisco when we were on holiday a couple of years ago, the're called Pocket Bikes or Runt Bikes and it knocked me flat to see a dozen or so fully grown folks in full racing leathers buzzing these things around the Quay area. Wired reports that there are issues with legality. For once, although they are certainly being killjoys, I have to agree with the cops. Of course they're fucking illegal, dipshits! Still want one, though...

Enough for this morning, I'm off to work.

Good luck to Dave.
