Morning All
Seems we have had some weekend chattage...
Pandora's star I am 1/2 way through. Who gave PF Hamilton Dave and My plot? Good though. PFH is the king of the space opera. If you like that read the Night's dawn trilogy which is ace.
DaVinci code I have heard mixed things about.
William Gibson; Pattern Recognition is excellent. Not really Sci-fi so should also appeal to all you "but aliens don't exist" kill joys out there.
Computer stuff
Knights of the Old Republic is top. Spent approx 10 hours of Saturday (ie from finishing work to falling unconscious) on it. Might be too long, not sure if it will maintain my attention, but see how; I still have Far Cry to look forward to...
Went sailing yesterday. Forgot sunscreen. Currently leaking from several openings in the skin on my face. Reminds me of Dave before my wedding. Not pleasant. Also I was wearing a hat, so have a nice white line across my forehead. Work today should be fun. Perhaps I'll post a picture for your delictation. Ohh; and here it is...
Badgers repeats, Smudge; If you didn't work that out by 4-0 then there may be no hope for you. Also, it clearly tells the score line if there were badgers playing, not England...
Kenya is more unmitigated Genius, for those who haven't seen it it's here. I guarantee you will be getting funny looks from clients, bosses and the like when they catch you quietly singing "come to Kenya; we've got Liiiions" and chuckling to yourself.
Please tell Sparkey that if his social life will be organised on this site, then he should turn up every so often and take part.
bomber out
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
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