Saturday, June 12, 2004

Hey fellas

I have an all new official favorite website, which has some of the funniest shit on it I have ever seen. It's parent site is here, which is funnier. No point trying to describe it; just go there and bask in its glory. Leave me here to die, I'll never make it...

Also this original unedited recording of Armstrong's voice on the moon. Revisionist history has thus far robbed us of this wonderful moment in our recent past; now it can be enjoyed in full.

On the music front, Dunc and Dave have been discussing the White Stripes on Bomber's discussion forum (you know it's the place to be...) Take a look at this Flash music video for "Fell in Love with a Girl." Music original, kittens simply funny.

Food this week and this story from the BBC imparts the exciting news that someone has opened a chippy in Beijing. 3 years too fucking late you insensitive bastards.

Gaimen reports that some web comic artist type fella appealed to his readership for donations so he could give up his day job and concentrate on the website. He made 22,000 dollars (and that's US dollars, folks) which gave me a similar (well; identical) idea.

OK you 6; stump up so I can spend all day trawling and bringing you purile web based amusement and pin sharp commentary. Do it quick and I can tell my boss to shove it and take the rest of the day off.

Pay pal accepted.
