Thursday, June 03, 2004


Watched Torque last night. Much motorcycle hy-jinks ensued and some (though not enough) leather biker gear wearing by fit birds also. Nonsense movie, of course and Ice Cube in his most wooden role to date (quite a feat) but entertaining in a 2-stroke whiny kind of way.

Just picked up Knights of the Old Republic and Far Cry. Will report once fully tested...

I have been waiting on a project offer for the last couple of months that came through yesterday. A project for Hermes in Korea; an interesting job with the distinct advantage of being run out of Hong Kong. Am currently trying to press my advantage to see if I can squeeze some cash out of the rocks I work for. Should have concrete news on Monday.

So far on the album front;

Crystal Method: Legion of Boom. TOP
The Streets: A Grand Don't Come for Free. Highly lauded but I don't think it hangs together as well as the first album, which is a fave of mine. Still good, though.
Libertines: Up The Bracket. TOP
Alanis. Somewhat whiny and Sphincter like, but could be a grower
Pepe Delux. Good

Planning on getting mullahed tonight, which is only 4 hours away. Yipee.

Out (for the count)