Well I must say that was a waste of 40 grand...
Had the last mock-up unspection last night and they're canning the whole concept. This is bizzare because the concept was already approved; the mock-up was intended only to test that it worked at full scale. The mock-up proves that the concept works (a sort of on-off visual effect caused by layers of pattern), apparantly to the extent that they don't want it any more. The french said it looked like a cheap trick and the architect looked like he had had his ego fatally spiked. It's their money but I don't get it; surely an architect / designer's job is to visualise the final result and decide whether or not they like it BEFORE they build the thing.
In retrospect, it was obvious that something was up; the big nobs all flew in from Paris in a private jet for the inspection. I know this is an important store but it is a functional mock-up that could have been effectively inspected by minions. The CEO of the group turned up (it's his p[rivate jet...)
The PM told me that they had certainly killed the concept before the mock-up; so why pay 40 grand to have the thing built? Beats me.
A lot of sweat for a rejection.
This also raises the ugly possibility of a long wait while the Parisians toss around deciding what they want to do instead. As one guy put it, "and then there's August" which for those of us who work for a living might recognise as the month that everything in mainland Europe shuts down. No decision by late July then might aswell pencil in October. Then we'll all have to rush like bastards to get the store open on time.
Too knackered for this nonsense.
Bomber out
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...like being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
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