Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Hello all

Snapple "Real Fact" No. 117

The starfish is the only animal that can tun its stomach inside out

Not True; I, and I suspect the 4 others who read this site, have turned my whole digestive tract inside out on several occasions. I have also witnessed the Ginger Jabba doing this whilst reciting the Lord of the rings. In character.

Feel clever now mr "I can do somthing you can't" starfish?

No, didn't think so

Got sucked into HMV yesterday to get a copy of UnCut mag. This is a preliminary stage in preparations for mine and Bubble's bi-annual trip into record shopping heaven. Other stages include

Read UnCut back to front and make list of good sounding albums / movies and the like
Amalgamate this with list that has been growing in notebook fro last 3 months of music recommended by mates / heard on radio etc
Making sure credit card is clear of debt to avoid embarassing blubbing at checkout, followed by being escorted from the building by Bubble 'cause I can't see for all the salt in my eyes etc (not pretty)
Enter HMV 10am Sunday, list in hand
Collect all available items on list
Gloat smugly about any that HMV don't stock ("oh, this store is just so mainstream" etc etc)
Look whistfuly at PS2 games selection, briefly consider buying a US PS2 so I can more easily shop for games.
Get "The Look" from Bubble
Carry Jenga like tower of CDs over to listening station and check out any "not sure" selections
Move Jenga tower over to check-out
Pass over credit card, avoiding making eye contact with the number that's blinking in the check-out's LED eye.
Bag swag and shuffle home
Strategise paying off credit card

So, Phase 1 is all about research, no purchases planned here, no sir. Which is all well and good, but to get to the Mags you have to walk past the DVDs and I got a little stuck. 1/2 an hour later;

Miller's crossing
5th element
Tres something something
(french animated movie about the Tour de France, or something, recommended by AICN
Irreversible. French. Said "an unstopable combination of sex and violence" on the front so I thought worth a spin

So now I need to add the Pre purchase DVD grab to my itinerary. It's getting complicated.

Must dash
