Off to Beijing this afternoon, so posting from the phone this weekend. I have one problem with the posting from the phone thing, that the northener-formerly-known-as-Richard might appreciate; pen input is too slow. I find I trip over my own thoughts. Dunc-who-will-forever-remain-Dunc will recall this trait in my joke telling at poly. Several other of you (and I now realise that there are 3) might recognise more recent traits...
To combat this, I have self-justified a toy purchase, an IR foldable keyboard. Some said Clive Sinclair was ahead of his time, but the C5 still looks stupid
Well, I had a plug in foldy keyboard for a previous palm pilot and once (only once) set it up in a meeting to take notes. everytone cooed and mentioned how cool it looked, but behind their eyes you could tell what they were thinking ... "wanker." So, for use in planes or hotel rooms only...
Neil Gaimen has a couple of good links today, one to this story, which just goes to proove that teaching oral sex to minors is the least of some people's problems. Far more disturbing, though, is this example of frog's porn, a sex ball, apparently.
Oh dear
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
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