Hello all
My folks arrived this morning. 10 years in Asia and this is the first time they have visited so it is quite an occasion. Mum got stuck on the other side of the barrier when she failed to realise that the plastic wrapping on her train ticket needed to be removed before it would fit in the machine. Unfortunately the instructions for how to open said plastic cover were in Chinese so she had to go find the station master to help her.
Folks in the big city, I tell ya.
I left them at home eying up the beer in the fridge and shot off to work. Hopefully there's some left by the time I get home...
Duncan, the (rude) voice of my conscience, asked what a "me me" is; well here's what the dictionary says;
meme; noun
Biology an element of a culture or system of behaviour that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by non-genetic means, especially imitation.
in other words; infectious information; eg religion
Unrelated to ugly wierd engineering student from Oxford Circa 1990
Dave pointed me to the most excellent site PWOT who employ the emminent movie critic Dr. Albert Oxford, PhD who gives, as his number one reason "50 Reasons Lord of the Rings Sucks";
Fellowship of the Rings and Two Towers were shoved down our throats.
I've heard some students are even forced to read some novelization of the movie in their literature classes. Ridiculous. Does Hollywood run our classrooms now?
Well worth a view, sort of like the Onion; with movie reviews. Much like the Onion has. err.
Of course the prizes are always the comments from those who didn't realise that it was satire...
be sure to read the rebuttal of the rebuttal "Wow, it must have been hard for "Tolkien" to make three movies while "in the trenches in the war" - to quote the other blind fools who actually believe the movies were based on old books."
This is getting ridiculous, I'll give 'em what for...
Bomber out
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom
...like being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
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