Hello all
From Al Jazeera;
The Geneva-based humanitarian organisation documented "frequent" abuse, including beatings, threats, tight handcuffing, prolonged exposure to the baking sun and the deprivation of sleep, food and water.
Military intelligence officers told the Red Cross the abuse was "part of the process".
"Physical and psychological coercion were used by military intelligence in a systematic way to gain confessions and extract information," it said.
Although the Red Cross made repeated warnings to the US-led coalition about the abuse throughout 2003, this appeared to have had little effect on the occupation forces, the report said.
That there was abuse seems indisputable, the real question to me is; If the administration knew in January (when it seems the pictures first surfaced) why did they wait until they started appearing in the papers, unless they were covering it up all along?
On a somewhat less controversial note, Neil Gaiman has a link to Fiction Submission Guidelines information page: Stories We See Too Often quite interesting reading, they also have a horror hackneyed plots page. Read and digest.
Last but certainly not least, Sony have announced a very nifty tablet PC according to I4U
Definitely on my christmas list (that's my mid-year Christmas list, that I go shopping for next week...)
Bomber out
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom
...like being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
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