Thursday, May 27, 2004

Post #101 and proof that there are more than 4 of you

At the risk of starting a bidding war for photos of my sack, I wanted to highlight this comment that was posted by Joolz a few short hours ago.


I have kept the infamous 'bombers sac' photos kept very safe offers accepted for copies. With regard to my husbands wanking face photos i don't recall seeing these (the photos that is).
Do i count as number 4 or 5? though not a regular reader, i thought I'd pop by whilst on a dull night shift all the patients are boring except the screaming vomiting banshee in bed 5 who is keeping me amused!
Joolz | Email | 27.05.04 - 12:08 pm | #


Joolz, send them in, I'll print them (honest...)

Still in search of wnking face photos (thanks for clarifying Joolz, yes, it's photos, not memories that we're after) ...ooh... a chill just ran down my spine...

Bomber out