Paraphrased from some thing on Molybdenum Guy sent me...
HONG KONG, June 29 (Reuters' Growler) - Vodka imbibers In Hong Kong, the world's top consumer of Smirnoff, are boosting input to take advantage of Power Hour prices that have halved since the start of the year, industry officials said on Tuesday.
An official for Carnegies, "Dr" Evil, Wanchai's largest supplier of Brennan related drinking supplies, said Guy would consume about 20,000 tonnes of red label Smirnoff during the average happy hour, more on Wednesdays when Vodka is on special.
This represents an increase of around one-third on the 14,000 to 15,000 tonnes of Vodka per hour that Forbes reported as guy's drinking capacity in 2003.
"Prices are on an upward trend. Guy's getting them in while the going's good" the Good Doctor said, puring another Evil One.
Spot prices for Red Label Smirnoff [VODDY-SMIR-RED] hit all-time highs
above $50 a double in mid-June, against $38 a few weeks previously and $17 at the beginning of the year. No wonder, then, that Guy has been taking advantage of the happy hour specials that have undercut the rising market in getting lagged this past quarter.
Vodka is widely used to Weaken bladders and render otherwise minging brass attractive, the latter being an essential requirement for remaining in Carnegies after 9pm.
G Brennan, who occupies a stool and bar space in Hong Kong's WanChai district accounting for around a third of the district's consumption, would imbibe more than 80 percent of his body weight during Crazy Hour, the Doctor said.
Guy drank 32,900 tonnes of Vodka last year, but analysts said in April that 2004 consumption could fall due to strong demand from his employer for him to turn up at work and the expansion of the European Union, although they were unclear as to what a bunch of sausage and garlic eaters 6000 miles away had to do with getting in the way of a good piss-up.
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