Ooh ooh you have to look at this it's an ad made for an anti=porn church group called the XXXchurch. The ad is made by a well known porn director (apparently). It's bloody hilarious. It was linked from this wired news story seems to be a bunch of "cool" christians. Probably related to those idiots haunting Wanchai with their bright eyes...
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom
...like being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
Thursday, May 20, 2004
Off to Beijing this afternoon, so posting from the phone this weekend. I have one problem with the posting from the phone thing, that the northener-formerly-known-as-Richard might appreciate; pen input is too slow. I find I trip over my own thoughts. Dunc-who-will-forever-remain-Dunc will recall this trait in my joke telling at poly. Several other of you (and I now realise that there are 3) might recognise more recent traits...
To combat this, I have self-justified a toy purchase, an IR foldable keyboard. Some said Clive Sinclair was ahead of his time, but the C5 still looks stupid
Well, I had a plug in foldy keyboard for a previous palm pilot and once (only once) set it up in a meeting to take notes. everytone cooed and mentioned how cool it looked, but behind their eyes you could tell what they were thinking ... "wanker." So, for use in planes or hotel rooms only...
Neil Gaimen has a couple of good links today, one to this story, which just goes to proove that teaching oral sex to minors is the least of some people's problems. Far more disturbing, though, is this example of frog's porn, a sex ball, apparently.
Oh dear
Evenin' all
Please can the Northeners sort themselves out into ques or rows or whatever. It appeares I have confused the Grumpy Northener with the Plastic Northener, who is the same as the Genuine Northener... (no?) and/or who may or may not also be the Angular Northener, what ever one of those is.
Anyway, Simon sent me these pictures and claims that one of them was his girlfriend. 10 bucks for the first correct guess;
Could someone please send some pictures that they actually took, rather than jizzed over (I've got plenty of those thank you)
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Found this article via one of the geeky toy sites i check out, this time engadget;
"Don't send e-mail on your cell phones or read comic books in Parliament while in session," Koizumi was quoted as saying.
"You can be seen very clearly from the prime minister's seat. You should really stop that — it's disgraceful."
Response; "but it's the latest Sandman Koyzumi san, I'll lend it to you after I'm finished..."
The engadget article also had this picture...
not sure where it came from, it's not on the source article, but does look somewhat like a bunch of Japanese politicians trying to form a human pyramid..."the latest Sandman?? give us a look, I'll be your best friend..." Wait till they release the new Tamaguchi, or whatever that electronic pet thing was called.
Japs are mad.
Noted much hearty responses to my last two posts, general opinion being that teenage oral sex is much more interesting to read about than my bus trip to China. I must admit, on re-reading, that there was a severe lack of lesbian sex scenes or vampire filed strip clubs in Southern China so I'll omit the more realistsic side of my life in future.
Grumpy Northener noted that it might have been a way of fishing for compliments from my folks for being in China. Ironic, actually, 'cause my folks are currently in China. We are off up to Beijing this weekend to meet up with them and do the wall hike that his gingerness threw up during the first 10 minutes of all those years ago and was also the site of GN's famous "hungry bum" episode, during which GN's bum finished his shorts and was half way through his t-shirt before we managed to stop it from completely turning him inside out.
Dave mentioned revenge pictures. I will post any photos that I consider vaguely amusing, although I reserve the right to censor sweaty ball sacks, whoever's they are. Sweaty funbags are allowed, although I advise against sending any in that anyone you want to remain friends with either owns or is married to.
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Blog 19 May
hello all
Off to China to visit our factory. We have a mock-up to erect next week & SCF (the imaginatively named South China Factory) is due to ship the units out this Saturday. So far they've been late with everything they've ever done for me, hence the follow up.
My job, more & more, revolves around delegation & follow up rather than actual work so this has become somewhat routine. A trip to SCF, however, requires more time than sticking your head over the wall of your QS' Dilbert cube & chasing up invoicing...
Taxi to the train station in Hung Hom then train to Kowloon Tong, deep in the Dark Side. This takes around 45mins. Stop for coffee & buns then board the bus for the 3 hour journey across the border, arriving mid morning at the factory. Return bus leaves at 5 so then it's a case of rinse & reverse, arriving back home at around 9. F tried for a while to do this by video conference / telephone etc but it's just not effective, mostly I believe because most of the guys up there (& certainly the HK staff) resent being stuck in such a soulless place as Dong Guan & need the morale boost that comes with having someone share your misery.
Sod them, I'll be back in the valley by tonite.
Movies & we watched Enough last night. This is a movie set in a world where Juliette Lewis and JLo work in a diner together... Andrea said something about JLo going psycho & I thought we were up for Monster With A Big Ass but no. She learns how to box. How pathetic. I suspect that the much fantasised Juliette Lewis and JLo lezzer scene was trimmed from the final cut, also.
One to avoid unless you have the Roman Polanski cut.
Bomber out
Monday, May 17, 2004
Afternoon all
a little rant from Sunday, when I went sailing and got burned.
I usually pride myself on my timekeeping; if I can arrive "on the dot" when I planned then I feel a thorough sense of satisfaction that is difficult to explain without bringing down a Dunc-fuelled tirade.
Being on time is not the same as being early. Anyone can be early (or late) but being on time requires some careful planning, more so if the route to the venue is multistaged or in some other way circuitous and so requires the inclusion of enough float (technical term for spare time) in the plan to absorb eventualities. Too much float is as wrong as not enough, hence being early as wrong as being late. Things will always find a way of going wrong, any plan will require on-the-fly revision to ensure maintenance of sufficient progress towards the ultimate goal, achieving planned milestones along the way. In the end you either make it or you don't & will be judged accordingly. There are no really excusable reasons (& so no excuses) for failure, only lessons to take forward in order to avoid recurrent failure.
Boy do I drone on & so on I drone.
My trip to Japan was a good example; 3 days to cover 4 projects in 2 countries. "POOF" hear you cry "you should have done the lot in 24 hours." Well, as it turned out 3 days was perfect, we had about 1/2 an hour (literally) to spare before getting the bus back to Narita. In the end the trip achieved what it set out to, no more no less & hence can be considered a success. That I had no time to go toy shopping and spent all the "float" on an old 747 circling Japan was neither here nor there.
This is brought on by me arriving at the yacht club an hour early this morning, where I currently sit, bored out of my skull & unable to buy a coffee (no cash bar & I am not a member) pondering the simple notion that the single most crutial thing one needs in order to plan a timely arrival is accurate information as to exactly when is considered timely. I have arrived precisely when I planned to, only that is an hour earlier than I really need to be here.
I think I spotted a water fountain downstairs...
Bomber out
Morning all
Rubber necking on the net
This story is listed as the most read on the Guardian in the last week, with 225K+ reads
Oral sex lessons to cut rates of teenage pregnancy;
Pupils under 16 who were taught to consider other forms of 'intimacy' such as oral sex were significantly less likely to engage in full intercourse, it was revealed.
Can we feel a violent "erosion of our family values" etc etc type backlash coming?
This story had 3 times the next rated story Media outlets won't show beheading video I suspect because the headline makes the content moot.
Of course, a certain amount of guilty curiosity about how the subject is taught. Do you think they use those medical sketches they showed us in school or just send the whole class round the back of the bike sheds with a porn video and some hankies?
They say death sells and "if it bleeds it leads" but clearly teen sex trumps that card.
I forgot that my folks read this blog...
Sunday, May 16, 2004
this story form Wired's Nextfest about a skull cap that allows direct brain connection
I have some news for Wired. We have Incontrovertible proof that one Dave Murray had been experimenting with such a system at least five years ago. It is, however, known that Dave required huge amounts of beer in order to "lubricate" the brain / cap connection.