Morning worker bees
well, bored as I was, I interviewed with Belgo Metal on Monday, they're effectively Permasteel Belgium, but I suppose kept the name to avoid appearing to be the faceless corporate that they ... srr ... are. Actually no, the firm was quite welcoming and is pretty self contained, not to mention based on a brand new campus about 30 Km WNW of Brussels. Looks like a possibility there, and much better money than the pikeys at Scheldebow (Cloggie Gartner, same reasoning, I suppose) although still not London money but then we're not paying London rent I suppose. Actually, between us, disposable will be quite good If I get the job. And that's the problem, really. I've tried convincing them that my school boy french will flourish into full blown fluency within a few short months but I'm not sure they bought it. See how. Looks like they may offer me a month's work on an hourly rate as a trial, so could still be a winner.
All this leaves me stacking the dishwasher and doing the grocery shopping in the interim, which leads me to my French lesson for the day. I was out to buy milk the other day and there was no "Demi ecreme" on the shelf (webfoot for semi skimmed, apparently) or "entier" (meaning "proper") so I picked what I thought was skimmed milk, marked "Battu". Now, turns out that batty milk is neither skimmed nor funny (had me sniggering) but is in fact butter milk. Not very good in coffee either. So, lesson for the future, beware or apparant double entendres; the french invented the word and will use it to take the piss out of you at every turn, and to sell you useless milk.
Already having rambled on too long, I will leave you with the Profani-wiki, a superb project in internet engineering which deserves your support and input. For those unaware, a wiki is a special type of web page / site that anyone can edit. You don't need permission and there's no moderators to speak of. The whole thing is built on trust. Fancy that. The best known wiki is probably the wikipedia, a rather good online recepticle for all the useless knowledge we carry around with us day-to-day. Now fancy this, a wiki which invites you to publish, define clarify and re-define the wonderful world of the English vernacular, especially the rude part of it. This is genius. The frame work is there, all it needs is your input to make it great. I added some stuff to bollocks already, feel free to change it if you want, that's the point.
btw; anyone know anything about Les Arcs? Smudge Sparky, Dread Pirate (which I just realised shortens to DP) Richard and I are thinking of going there skiing next feb with our bitches wives. any good? enough easy stuff for me the beginners?
Bomber out
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...