Hello all
well, I turned down the Beijing project; we're not in a position to move this summer.
It's always a problem with Andrea in such a structured industry as teaching and me in such a chaotic one as construction. Andrea can opnly really move at one time during the year (the summer) and must make plans and commitments 8 months ahead of time. Construction, on the other hand, requires the flexibility to do what you're told when you're bloody well told to do it.
Add to that Andrea got wond of a pay rise today that will make me the 2nd income earner; so decision made it seems.
Ahh well, back to my shop fronts it is. We're off to Taipei tonight to spend the weekend with Dave and Cindy and their new dog. Dave has claimed in advance that any noxious smells are due to the barely housetrained dog and / or a broken vent pipe. Me thinks the big man does protest too much... I have meetings in Taipei next Monday and Tuesday (so my flight is on the firm) and then off to Japan for 2 days to look at a couple of reference projects. My first trip to Japan ...
Bomber out
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom
...like being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
Thursday, April 29, 2004
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
More madness from those nice folks at Raptureready.com here we have a Photographic portrayal of the signs we should look for as an indication that the saved are about to be carried up to Heaven. The picture of a fist full of Euro intrigued me. I assumed something about the devil money, but why not USD?
Raptureready reveals;
The European Union certainly fits the bill as being the reunited Roman Empire (well, it contains Italy...). Although it is the weakest of all of the world governments it will serve the Antichrist well. In the end, the EU’s only purpose will be to give power to the Beast.
Reading the description the truth of the lie we have all been living as "europeans" when infact all we are is a tool for the antichrist became all too clear. Hopefully the US will be up to the task of invading Europe and saving us all from damnation.
Bomber out
Mr Blair, you are spoiling us!
I'm glad someone else remembers the Ferrero Rocher ad, which provided a low point to Brit TV advertising in the 90s. The guardian also reports that the ad was being revived last year in the UK and that
Ferrero Rocher's ambassador campaign, which was loved and hated in equal measure by UK viewers, was originally shot for eastern Europe where it proved a minor hit.
It was not until the film was dubbed into English that it achieved true cult status and the immortal line, "Monsieur, wiz zese chocolates you are really spoiling us" - delivered in European accent of indeterminate origin - became, briefly, a popular catchphrase.
Ferrero Rocher, an Italian family-owned business, has always refused to comment on whether it intended the campaign to be a joke.
Obviously not, then
I must to work
Bomber out
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
Hello all
I am slightly shell-shocked at the moment, it has been an odd morning. You may recall that I thought I might be being set up for a job in Korea. That job is in Soeul and may still come up. What I have been offerred, this morning, is a project in Beijing which looks very interesting but, like all of these things, needs someone to have started last week. This is always a point of friction between Bubble's career and mine, as she needs to plan around 6 months in advance for a move in locale. My company / industry expects the same to happen in 6 minutes. Fortunately my boss has said that he wants me to stay in HK so I at least have some bargaining power. I will have to think on this long and hard as; sure as shit; they will want me to take a pay cut to go there, or something similar.... gits.
I'll leave you with this little piece of advice from THE POST RAPTURE SURVIVAL GUIDE which is part of a site called raptureready.com, linked from a Guardian story about the religious right in the US that I got pointed to today.
How to survive after the rapture (assuming you weren't chosen, of course)...
Therefore, since you have decided to reject Christ's offer to join in the rapture, your concern is how to maintain good health in the post rapture era. You must build a supply of multiple vitamins with particular emphasis on anti-oxidants such as C and E and minerals. It will also be necessary to have a supply of disinfectants, particularly one that can be added to water to make it potable.
Above all, do not accept the mark of the beast on your right hand or forehead. If you do take the mark then nothing can be done for you—you will suffer the malignant ulcer making the rest of your life almost unbearable. Did you ever have a canker sore in your mouth? If so, then you know how painful that one little canker sore was. Now think of having canker sores all over your body, on your genitalia, in your mouth. Think how painful and unbearable your life will be. Then follow that misery with eternity in hell. Don't take that mark.
OK, how do they know which vitamins we'll need?
Bomber out
Monday, April 26, 2004
Hello again
There was an ad in the paper this week for a Horror movie competition.
Make a max 10 min long horror movie with a DV camera
Cash prize (3,000 hk or US, can't remember)
Submission date 29 April (this Friday...!)
I'm really tempted to knock something together and had an idea along these lines;
Title; Hung Over
Location; My Flat (start in living room shot from dining table looking towards balcony)
Bloke (me) lying asleep face down on the sofa. Wakes, groaning and swearing. Coffee table covered in beer cans and overflowing ashtray
Bloke staggers to balcony and throws up
Looks round, sees living room is absolute mess
Whispering confused expletives, Bloke moves towards back of the living room. Chairs are upturned, someone is on the floor behind the table. They had fallen against the shelves and collapsed.
Dead. Injuries (budget of 2 pound 50 limits, but want teeth marks)
Bloke checks dead guy 1, gets blood on hands.
runs down flat to kitchen, more of the same. 3 dead. Cat eating guts of one.
runs back to bedroom; finds wife; dead and messy.
Staggers into bathroom and dry heaves into sink
Looks up to see own face and mouth covered in blood
Possibly says "not again..."
Andrea says she thinks this has been done before, I guess it probably has.
Anyway, decent work avoidance, I rekon
Dave said "Theres only so many plots in the end." which I take to be a polite way of saying "yes, it has been done before, bomber."
Obviously the time constraint is the difficult bit, so I thought that the following schedule would suit;
1 day to borrow a DV camera, find out how to use it and "polish" the plot, by doing some stick-men story boards, like that bloke in American Spledor. Probably
1 day to shoot it
1 day to buy pirate DV editing software and learn how to use it
1 day to edit.
Collect prize
I call this the bomb-me school of film making
Dave says it needs more lesbian sex. He's probably right. After all; there's a crowd to please
Any donations to production costs would be gratefully received. 2 cases of beer should cover it, one for the DV camera lender and one for the cast and crew (Andrea, me and the cat; non speaking extras, aside from wife and cat, don't count.) None of that Tiger rubbish, though
Bomber out