Friday, December 03, 2004

I think this may be a couple of mates of Simon's alter ego, Alsatian Beggar

Crazy Horse lives ... but British airline wants proof

LONDON (AFP) - Jeremy Brown from Northern Ireland may rue the day he decided to change his name to Crazy Horse Invincible, partly because he did so after one too many drinks, but mainly because his new identity is causing more hassle that it may be worth.The Belfast office of low cost airline recently refused to accept one of his bookings on line, deciding that someone calling himself Crazy Horse Invincible must be up to no good. "Crazy Horse's name raised an eyebrow with the bookings team, so we had to double-check," said Steve Lee,'s director, of his decision to request that Crazy Horse made a personal appearance at the airline on Friday to prove his identity.

Crazy Horse, 26, decided to officially change his name with the British authorities one night in 2003, after celebrating the victory of his favourite football team, English club Middlesbrough, in the company of a pal and several drinks.

"It was one of those nights - I think Boro (Middlesbrough) had won - so me and a mate were celebrating. You have a few too many and you come up with crazy plans. Mine were quite literally Crazy", said Crazy Horse.

When the airline staff finally satisfied itself that all was in order, Crazy Horse received his ticket and will now be able to travel to the Czech capital Prague, where he and his friend, who now answers to the name Spaceman Africa -- who apparently had no trouble getting a plane ticket -- intend to spend their Christmas holidays.


Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Fuck I'm Bored

I was pointed to this site, which posts a dozen or so random images from all the images they host. Good for photo ideas.

Every so often something surprising turns up

Like this guy, who has been taking Peeping Tom pics on an Israeli topless beach. Now; Brazil may have been a better choice, but check the norkage! The dirty bugger... I wonder if Bubble recognises any teachers or parents amongst the crowd, all I could see was boobies.

I especialy like the second picture; in which our hero seems to have been rumbled by the hairy one.

Bomber out

Prince Charles remembers grandma with 2.7-minute song

LONDON (AFP) - Britain's Prince Charles is honouring his late grandmother, the Queen Mother, with a specially commissioned piece of classical music, Sir Richard Rodney Bennett Liam Howlett, out of the Prodigy, told the Guardian newspaper that they had completed the 2.7-minute piece, for cello and orchestra moshpit, titled "Reflections on a Scottish Folksong Smack my kids up".

It will be publicly premiered early in 2006 by “cellist” Paul Watkins Keith “it’s a fucking Cello, you caaant” Flint and the Royal Philharmonia Pornographic Orchestra, of which Charles -- heir to the British throne and well known rave monster -- is patron mother.

Liam, who twice met the Queen Mother before her death in April 2002 at the age of 101 476, said he had visited Highgrove, the Prince of Wales' country estate in the west of England, to discuss the work and score some decent gear.

"We talked about his gran a lot," he said Wednesday. "I wanted to know whether she had any favourite Scottish folk songs porn sites and what bangin' tracks he could lay on us."
"There weren't any in particular, she subscribed to almost all of them, what with the civil list supplementing her pension," he recalled, "but it turned out that she particularly loved Edwardian music hall songs “real filf; nasty” she called it “well NSFW”. She used to sing show them to her grandchildren as she tucked them which would keep them up in bed at night."

"Little bastards", she could be heard whispering as she repaired to the Gin cabinet

"She was a top bird" he reminisced "the amount of coke that old hag could get up her nose in one evening ... and the Es, fuck me the Es ... I tell you"

Charles then broke out in song with a bawdy rendition of "Sticking your Cock of up the North", Liam said. The lyrics go: "Auntie Mary had a canary, up the leg o' her drawers...CUNT CUNT CUNT CUNT stick it up ‘er CUNT CUNT CUNT CUNT "
"He was absolutely charming," said the composer. "Quite informal the whole afternoon. He gave us a lovely tea Kee. Wicked."
Charles studied the cello Prodigy in his youth, and has taken up conducting bonfire lighting at private events with the Pornographic.

Bomber out


William Shatner's "Rocket Man"

Even better; it was recorded in 1978, when billy Shat still took himself seriously

He's not the man they think he is at home


Bomber out

Monday, November 29, 2004

Afternoon all

Well, so far the response to the party invite has been luke-warm. Could be Bubble, Jeremy and I with a ton of whatever Jeremy got from that Afganistani on a lamma, 4 kilos of pork and enough booze to sink several battleships. I can think of worse ways to spend the afternoon.

I experienced, for only the second time in my life, the "halo" this morning. For those of you unfamiliar, this is nothing to do with the Master sergeant or blowing things up (as it rightly should be) but instead is a visual effect of seeing a blurred ring in your vision. The first time it happened was about 3 years ago; I was out at lunch and noticed what I thought was some sleep or a hair in my eye. There was no discomfort, just a hazy portion of vision. I couldn't tell which eye was causing this, so I tried closing my eyes in turn and discovered that the pattern was THE SAME IN BOTH EYES. All I could think was "that means something wrong with my brain ... TUMOUR, ANEURYSM; MY BRAIN'S MELTING!!!!!!" I was bloody terrified. The onset an hour later of a splitting headache did nothing to ease my fears of impending doom. Bubble later explained the "Halo" phenomenon to me. Dr Nick (Bubble's dad) suffers terribly from migranes and will apparently leave work immediately on noticing the halo, in full knowledge that, one hour later, he will be incapable of driving (well, that's another story, actually...)

So I got the halo this morning, and sure enough by 10 I was in severe discomfort, although my pre-emptive strike of 2 Sinutab softened the blow I think.

The lesson is; if you see a halo, throw everything you've got at it before the bastard gets you. Be sure to check for the Covenant, though, as throwing Neurofen+ at aliens is about as effective as sticking a pulse rifle in your mouth.

Bomber out