Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Morning all

The league of women let this slip into the public domain. Rumour has it that the That's Life offices were mysteriously burned to the ground last night, although that could be just what was coming to them, rather than specifically to do with this piece. I thought about embelishing it, but there seems no point...

LONDON (AFP) - Wriggling out of an embarrassing situation comes naturally to the vast majority of British women, according to a new poll.

They lie.

In all, 96 percent of women resort to little white lies such as the top fib, "of course you don't look fat," followed by "these shoes were only 10 pounds" and "the bus/train was late."

In the list of falsehoods published Thursday in the women's magazine That's Life, "I've got a headache" ranked fourth, then came "I've only had one drink," "that dress looks good on you" and "the cheque's in the post."

Fibs about age, sex and love rounded out the top ten, with "you look ten years younger," "you're wonderful in bed," and at the end "I love you."

Partners are most likely to be lied to (70 percent), while two-thirds of parents and friends occasionally ought to think twice whether their daughter or mate is telling the truth. Well over half of women lie to their colleagues or bosses.

Whether men are any more truthful than women will have to wait for another poll, along with a top ten list for the male sex.

The magazine polled 5,000 women around 38 years old in Britain, Scotland and Wales.

As Dunc would say; see! see! it's not just us being stupid!

I'm most interested in the bit about women lying to women. "Of course you don't look fat in that" as one of the top 10 lies told by 70% of women means that when they ask the question triggering the whopper from their female companion; they expect to be lied to because that's what they'd do in the same position.


Bomber out