Monday, December 06, 2004

Morning all

Guardian Unlimited Special reports Israel shocked by image of soldiers forcing violinist to play at roadblock

I wasn't going to link this story, cause it's got no tits in it, but it keeps haunting me. It's about the Israeli military's treatment of palestinians at check-points and specifically about one guy forced to play violin. There is this huge forour about this because it draws parallels to Jewish prisoners being forced to play the violin in Nazi death camps. What surprises me a little is one jewish correspondent's contention that;

the soldiers responsible should be put on trial "not for abusing Arabs but for
disgracing the Holocaust".

The author goes on to make a more balanced argument but the core message is clear. That the story of an officer killing an 8 year old girl, then riddling her body with bullets, was a sideline in the piece is very telling.

I read a very good suggestion recently, that Palestinians should start wearing yellow stars, perhaps then the Israeli check-point soldiers will be reminded of the relative position that they are in today.

Sorry for that, here's some boobies; an "animated" advent calender

Trust the meeting of "minds" went well last night, I was going to post a picture of Dave in his party hat so Dunc could recognise him, but realised the pointlessness of it. How could you miss Dave?

Bomber out