Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Q3. Are you a Poofter?

Australian immigration now requires you to take this test before getting your visa approved.

Linked from B3ta. Christ you'd have thought I could find something myself for once

Edit; Take a look at this; fake beer tokens at the Oktoberfest! What is the world coming to? Dave; will try Burnout, but as my PS2 is Euro I can't get the games here. Probably off to La France next month so perhaps the chance to pict it up there. Plus really pissed off waiting for GT4. Also, got a game pad for my PC so have been able to play the demo of Crimson Skies that I downloaded last month. Top Jazz fueled air piracy, but don't try with mouse and keyboard unless you like pain. When are they going to start making cars with game pad controls? the next generation wouldnt' know what to do with a steering wheel if it smaked them in the face (not that it would, what with airbags). Oh yes; did I mention Far Cry? Oh...; Far Cry, Far Cry, Far Cry, Far Cry, Far Cry, Far Cry. There.
