beer buying's done in anticipation of a ginger arrival
Smudge gets in tomorrow evening and has left explicit instructions that he is to be met at the train station with proferred beer. Sounds like a good start to me.
The Posies last night were ... well ... OK. They seem to have come out of the Seattle scene back in the Nirvana years and to have never quite made it. They also seem to have grown old and fat (well the lead singer, at least) without noticing it. Fat sweaty lead singer on stage? No thanks. The second front man, just as old and sweaty but a lot skinnier had a bad habbit of spitting on stage. His mum would not approve. They did a lot of syncronised jumping when they were about to hit noisy bits aswell, which came over odd and invoked much blubbery wobbling. Still, not a bad night out for less than a tenner each.
Have fun in S'pore this weekend guys, say hello to whatever buffet you end up spending Sunday afternoon at for me aswell.
Bomber out
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
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