Sunday, October 03, 2004

SS1 goes up, not in smoke and I'm buggered

A great weekend away ... 20 miles away that is. We've been on Lantau island in a "holiday flat" for the last 4 days. Managed to spend all day Wednesday drinking; too hot to ride.... then had to go back to work Thursday. Friday we rode the Chi Ma Wan Peninsula, which is my fave ride in HK. Saturday I "worked at home" in the morning and then we hiked the Sunset Peak in the afternoon. Sunday we did an easy ride along a water catchment and now have rocks where our calves used to be. Trying to get away for next weekend to Thailand... do I ever work???

some pics;

Can you make out the steps? No, neither could I. Note crossed fingers...

Bubble will thank me for that one...

Slightly overheated at the top of the hill. Village we rode from is further behind and below than it appears in this picture (honest)

Ohh, lovely waterfall and nice bike...

...let's ruin it with ... well ... me

Spaceship One has made its first, slightly unconventional, flight and plans to go for the X-prize on Thursday. Branson has backed them with his plans for Virgin Galactic. Trust Branson; he must have shitted himself when SS1 rolled on the first fully loaded boost. I reckon all this is fucking excellent and wish Sir Dick all the best. See the video here although the first 2/3rds is speaches but check out the flight video, which is cool as fuck. Sadly Bubble says we have to buy a house and get rich before we can blow 100 grand + on a 7 minute trip into the black stuff.

Finally, and we got notice to buy our 7s tickets yesterday, so I hope all you folks who want to come took our advice and registered with the HKRFU for your guaranteed tickets...

Interesting, spellcheck picked up buggerred and suggested buggered to replace it but was completely flumoxed by fucking...

Bomber out