Hi everyone
I received the following this morning, from a mate in Australia;
Is this it? Rant at the bomber is just a sodding email link. I feel cheated. I would have thought with all your nerdy ipoddy GPRS bollocks we’d get a direct live line to the knob-o-chamber where we could see your spoddy little noggin head-butting the keyboard as some bloke comes round and gives you something suitably tedious with a glass frontage to construct, and as I typed, my dulcet tones of joy would be replicated through your speakers.
But no. A complete let down.
You tosser.
After this evisceration, I decided to put some effort into the commenting system and so here it is; provided by those wonderful people at Halo (who ever they are) Anyway, click the link, perhaps I'll get some more free stuff. Fouind the Halo link on a Blogger "Blogs of note" listed blog (the pinnacle of blogdom...) called Life at TJ's place which is the blog of a strip club owner. Fascinating reading...
Back to my life and last night Bubble and I watched the "House of Sand and Fog" which stars Ben Kingsley, Jennifer Connelly and some other folks, including the crap one from US MBB. Kingsley plays an ex Iranian military commander who has fled to the US with his family. I expected this to be about Kingsley's character coming to terms with the culture shock of moving from the head of an army to a small suburban bungalow but it was not. It was, instead, something to do with real estate. I certainly came away with mixed feelings.
Without wanting to give too much away, you should watch this movie for the acting and the scene dialogue, almost all of which is excellent; even that crap bloke from the crap US version of Men Behaving Badly was good (imagine being remembered as the crap one from the crap version of a long dead tv show.) What really was crap, and I say this with venom; was the plot. What a load of old toss. It's so odd, almost all the subtleties in this movie I thought were excellent, especially the way they play on each character's slight misinterpretation of scenes to drive the plot further into its cycle, but the mechanics of the overall plot of how Kingsley's family end up in one place while the other protaganist ends up in another is absolute toss.
So there; watch it, but don't mind small things like the mechanics of the plot too much. I think this was trying to be A Simple Plan but it's not nearly that good. Annoyingly, I think it probably could have been.
I just had a disturbing rememberance; if there's one reason that you might want to skip this movie it's that half way through we are treated with out warning to Ben Kingsley HAVING SEX. Ahhhh, he's, like, 90; has he no shame? Can't keep his drooping bits to himself, just like that Helen Mirren bird on Prime suspect; an excellent show save for the repeated nightmares I have of her walking round in her all together having just finished shagging someone.
That's all I've time for at the mo, got to go off to a meeting with some folks then it's off down the pub for Friday night fun...
Bomber out
Bomber's blog
My little corner of blogdom
...like being kicked in the arse with a boot made of flaming meat, until you puke blood...
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