Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Wired News: Onion Taken Seriously, Film at 11

This is a story about a Chinese newspaper who used The Onion as a source, not realising it was satire. Some people just can't see a joke when it's right in front of them...

This is the Onion story they mistook for the truth

Above: An architectural firm's proposal for a new retractable-dome capitol. Inset: Hastert addresses reporters.

"I think that it has a lot to do with The Onion style," [Carol Kolb, the editor of The Onion] says. "If we're doing our job right, we try to do it in a really straight, AP style. People aren't used to seeing their humor without a punch line."

If you haven't heard of the Onion, check out the link to the left of this page. Proof that there are Americans with a sense of humor (although possibly only 20 of them)

Bomber out